#theres more of course


Today I’m Thinking About…

…I’ve been head-empty for a couple days, super busy and when I COULD think about writing, thinking about my surprise pinch-hit for the SHL RBB and my fic for the DMBJ Small/Med Ship exchange - I have ideas for both but nothing written, and couldn’t share regardless cause challenges.

BUT! Yesterday I did have a lot of fun thinking about my next May Trope Mayhem fill. Fuck knows when I’ll write it, but, with that in mind…

…today I’m thinking about a modern WangNingXian AU where all three are about the biggest fucking idiots on the planet.

Idiot 1:

Wei Wuxian: woe is me, I know LWJ is in love with Wen Ning. I will be oh-so-self-sacrificing and try to help my two dumb best friends be together.

Wei Wuxian texts Lan Wangji: there’s a carnival in town, you should invite Wen Ning!

Idiot 2:

Wen Ning: …why is Lan Wangji…texting ME? this is ridiculous, he’s in love with Wei Ying? Maybe Wei Ying’s not available? No, no, maybe Lan Wangji was just too nervous to ask him directly. I will do him a solid, since I know how much they care about each other, and make sure that the person Lan Wangji REALLY wants to see will be there.

Wen Ning texts Wei Wuxian: oh my god, oh my god, Lan Wangji invited me to the carnival I CANNOT BE ALONE WITH HIM what will we even talk about it’s absolutely ridiculous no you have to come, please please please?

Idiot 3:

Lan Wangji: …the only reason that Wei Wuxian would instruct me to invite Wen Qionglin is because he is utterly oblivious to how much Wen Qionglin adores him, and wants to be sure that they each have a nice evening. In the name of my feelings for both of them, I will do Wei Wuxian this favor.

Lan Wangji, showing up at the carnival to see them both there, Wen Ning looking shy, Wei Wuxian waving and grinning: *lwj.exe has ceased to function*

…and so it goes. :D
