#these sweet kids i swear




Hermione held it together for about thirty seconds after Theo left. Then she sank down on the step and put her head in her hands.

“Oh my petal, what’s wrong?” A palm slid over her back and pulled her tight. Hermione smelt Lavender’s distinctive perfume and burrowed toward it, clutching Lav against her.

“Theo,” she sobbed.

“He’s gone?”

“Yes.” Hermione sniffed loudly as Lavender made soothing noises. “Why do things have to change, Lav? Why do people have to go away? Why do we have to say goodbye?”

“I know, darling. It’s awful. But I think it’s part of growing up.”

“Well, it’s a shitty part!”

Lav sniffed too. “I agree. I don’t want to say goodbye to youagain.”

“Oh god, don’t make me think about that!” Hermione made a sound that was half-laugh and half-sob.

“You won’t be rid of me long. Just wait until you and Draco land somewhere gorgeous by the sea. See how quickly I show up for an extended visit. You’ll have to turf me out.” Lavender squeezed Hermione tight.


Argh everyone this is the LAST CHAPTER! I cannot believe it! Sob. I will be dropping an epilogue tomorrow and then it’s done. We are having a little send-off event in the Rolled Sleeves Agenda server tomorrow at 9pm ET – live reading the chapter through our tears and pouring one out for the babies, so if you want to join and aren’t already in the server, hit me up for a link in my DMs! xoxo ~SM
