#they are such a pain in the butt to get


You know, there is something distinctly hilarious about all the stories that have stuff for taking care of Zoroark readily available in Unova. A lot of them in wake of PLA and the Submas drama, which makes it even funnier.

Because, as someone who played (and still owns) both versions of Pokemon Black, I can say with complete confidence that those supplies are not a thing.

Having them implies that it’s easy to find and catch Zorua and Zoroark. Which is completely untrue. They are as close to “secret rare” Pokemon as you can get in game.

Legends Arceus is the ONLY Pokemon game where you can catch those two in the wild. And without having to trigger a special in-game event first jus to make them appear!

Unless you have the right combination of stuff in your game from irl events at the time, you can’t catch Zorua and Zoroark AT ALL in B/W.

And you have to speak with a specific Former-Plasma Grunt to get Zorua in B2/W2! They straight up can’t be caught in the wild! (The only way to get Zoroark in those ones is through evolution.)

The only way to catch Zorua in B/W is to have the Mystery Gift Celebi from Heart Gold and Soul Silver transferred to your game, and bring it to a specific lobby in Castellia City to reveal that one of the kids there is actually a Zorua so you can catch them.

And to catch a Zoroark, you need to have one of the three special MG Shiny versions of Suicune, Entei, and Raiko for HG/SS in your game and bring them to Lost Lorn forest to make it appear. And that is the only time you can see one outside of N’s battle team.

Admittedly, they programmed something special into the game so that you could transfer the Mystery Gift pokemon over without having the National ‘Dex first, but still. That’s a lot of circumstantial hoops you have to jump through before you can get either one!

So seeing people write stuff that’s like “Oh! You can just get the proper food here!” Or “They have Zoroark-approved brushes/claw trimmers/claw caps here!” Or anything like that and I just start laughing.

Nah fam, they ain’t gonna have those. Zorua/Zoroark are stupid rare and impossible to find. That stuff doesn’t exist, and if it did it would custom-order only and have you paying through the nose for it.
