#they need love

zarla-s: vinku-iikku:I know I know.. they’ve been through a lot worse with much more grace, and thzarla-s: vinku-iikku:I know I know.. they’ve been through a lot worse with much more grace, and thzarla-s: vinku-iikku:I know I know.. they’ve been through a lot worse with much more grace, and thzarla-s: vinku-iikku:I know I know.. they’ve been through a lot worse with much more grace, and th



I know I know.. they’ve been through a lot worse with much more grace, and they’ve seen what outside is like in the future-visions so it’s not this big of a deal to them, but.. just imagine living your whole life in a sterile room and then suddenly going outside: there’s no walls, sound doesn’t reflect back and there’s all sorts of tiny critters that end up touching you for no apparent reason. It might be a bit too much to handle at once. |D

Handplates belongs to @zarla-s and I actually tried to follow her method of making a comic, it’s over here. Having a checklist and proper time set aside for each area was really useful, though I ended up adding pupils to Sans a lot earlier, he’s really creepy without them… This is probably the first time ever I’ve added backgrounds to a comic holy cow.


This is so good! I actually thought it was a Zarla comic for a few minutes. Thought you should know! <3

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after years~just finished another Grahamscott artwork and I assume you noticed something from here.

after years~

just finished another Grahamscott artwork and I assume you noticed something from here. Yes, I’m serious. Just look at their hands

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