#and hugs

zarla-s: vinku-iikku:I know I know.. they’ve been through a lot worse with much more grace, and thzarla-s: vinku-iikku:I know I know.. they’ve been through a lot worse with much more grace, and thzarla-s: vinku-iikku:I know I know.. they’ve been through a lot worse with much more grace, and thzarla-s: vinku-iikku:I know I know.. they’ve been through a lot worse with much more grace, and th



I know I know.. they’ve been through a lot worse with much more grace, and they’ve seen what outside is like in the future-visions so it’s not this big of a deal to them, but.. just imagine living your whole life in a sterile room and then suddenly going outside: there’s no walls, sound doesn’t reflect back and there’s all sorts of tiny critters that end up touching you for no apparent reason. It might be a bit too much to handle at once. |D

Handplates belongs to @zarla-s and I actually tried to follow her method of making a comic, it’s over here. Having a checklist and proper time set aside for each area was really useful, though I ended up adding pupils to Sans a lot earlier, he’s really creepy without them… This is probably the first time ever I’ve added backgrounds to a comic holy cow.


This is so good! I actually thought it was a Zarla comic for a few minutes. Thought you should know! <3

Post link

The final day of @the-line-is-erased:Free Day - Worldbuilding - Lost moments; unseen, forgotten or in a time that never was

I just think that Sasha and Skraak should’ve gotten to meet

Posting this early because I won’t be able to do much of anything tomorrow and I don’t trust tumblr to schedule this right

“You got it?”

“Of course I’ve got it. You’ve got yours?”

Skraak nodded. “Ready?”

“Three… Two… One…”

Just after the last number of the countdown, both Skraak and Sasha pulled out a wrapped package from behind their backs.

“Happy Gift Day!” They both exclaimed as they exchanged packages.

Sasha ran her fingers over the wrapping, while Skraak held their gift up to their ear as if listening for some clue that might reveal its identity before they pulled the paper off a moment later.

This had been a yearly tradition since the pair first met and Augusta provided their team with various equipment during their stay at The One that Got Away.  Neither had received much in the way of gifts before that, and the whole process in front of others always made them feel awkward.  While they would still participate in exchanges with the others during holidays and birthdays, they also started their own tradition, where there was no strangeness or unexpectedness, only a relaxing way to catch up on all of the gifts they should have been given earlier.

“You shouldn’t have!” Sasha cried, her eyes wide.  She had ripped open the paper to reveal a box, inside of which was a flamberge dagger.  The undulating blade radiated cold.

Skraak, meanwhile, tore open the wrapping with his teeth to find a plain black dagger.  A single dark gem was set into the hilt.

“I love it,” they whispered, dutifully examining it.

“It’s supposed to hurt more if you stab someone while you’re in the shadows,” Sasha explained.

“And yours can freeze people!  Or at least make them really cold.”

“I had one like this before, but it broke.  This is amazing.”  Sasha gave the dagger a few test thrusts and jabs.  “I need to rearrange my daggers; this one is going up front.”

“I can’t wait to test it out.”  Skraak beamed.

“What do you say we go find some trouble?”

“What about the others?”

“Hey, this is ourGift Day,” Sasha rebuked.  “And if we want to test our fancy new Gift daggers out on baddies, we are allowed to.  Those are the rules.  The rules that we made when we made Gift Day.”

“Sounds good to me! And I’ve got all my other daggers from our last Gift Days.”

Sasha patted her jacket.  “I do too. I love that little one you got me last year.”

Skraak led the way out of the room, careful not to alert any of their other friends that they were sneaking out without them.  Not that either they or Sasha needed to worry – no one would ever notice them unless they wanted to be noticed.

Once they were safely out of earshot, Skraak asked, “Do you think we ought to gift something other than daggers?  I thought about something else this year, but a dagger just seems right, you know?”

“A dagger is the perfect gift,” Sasha replied.  “I know we’re both still getting used to the whole gifting thing, but I’m pretty sure everyone would be happy to get a dagger.  At least, I know I am.  Daggers are well good.  Can’t go wrong.”

“Hey, Sasha?”


“I really like Gift Day.”

Sasha smiled.  “Me too.”

“Think we can do it more than once a year?”

“It’s our tradition, we can do what we want.  Though we might start running out of daggers to gift.”

With a sigh, Skraak said, “So many daggers, so little time.”


Henry Cavill, night hunter – screencaps
