

There are two different ways people view Mastermind!Parker.

Some people, and these are usually the marks who don’t know Thief!Parker by reputation, think she is too fill-in-the-blank to be any threat (too young, too pretty, too crazy…) They learn better when their business blows up in their faces. Occasionally literally; after all, this is “Everything Blows Up, Silly” Parker making the calls now.

And then there are the people who are terrified. Even under Nate this was considered the nastiest crew this side of the Atlantic. And that was under an honest man. (People in the business don’t understand Nate very well so they don’t understand that he was the most ruthless of the lot.) They are terrified to find out what the crew has become under the control of the crazy thief.

It turns out both groups are wrong. Parker isn’t too any of those things to make a good mastermind. She always does things young, like being a getaway driver, but she is always good at it. And maybe she is a little crazy, but that helps when masterminding. As for ruthlessness, she isn’t nearly as ruthless as Nate. In fact, just the opposite. She is far more likely to see the potential for something better, even in her marks, far more likely to give second chances because she is living her second chance. She goes out of her way to help the random people who are in trouble, not just her client. And she isn’t willing to place her team in as much risk as Nate was because winning isn’t everything to her, family is.
