#things currently bakin my noodle



Unanswered A/B/O Worldbuilding Questions

  • How would the ability to scent alter human history? 
  • if people are sensitive to Bad Smells, did sanitation advance at a faster rate? 
  • What about ventilation? 
  • Or is it only other humans’ scentsthat people can detect? 
  • Do people reallysmell like other things (*cough*cliche*cough*) or is that psychosomatic? 
  • Does it work like Amortentia in HP where the most physically compatible person smells like all your favourite things? 
  • Where does perfume fit into all this? 
  • Is wearing perfume seen as ‘fake’, shallow, or basic / low maintenance? Something only omegas do? 
  • Is the perfume industry Thecosmetic industry? 
  • Do people make a big show of only wearing fragrance-free (even if they don’t) to make it seem like that amazing scent they have is All Natural? 
  • Is adultery still possible if everyone can scent everyone else? 
  • Are married omegas expected not to scent-block because of the assumption that it’s covering something up, or is this an old-fashioned view? 
  • Are there places where everyonescent-blocks (like the work place), or where no one scent-blocks? 
  • When did scent-blocking technology become a thing? 
  • Is scent-blocking seen as empowering, for omegas? Androgynous? 
  • Can people cross-scent like cross-dressing? 
  • Are there cosmetic procedures that can enhance scent? 
  • Does a person’s scent alter with age? 
  • If the neck has scent-glands, and is therefore an erogenous zone, how does that affect fashion? 
  • Is a covered neck considered demure, mysterious? 
  • What about long, neck-covering hairstyles? And necklaces? 
  • Does the appearance of a person’s neck form a big part of their attractiveness? 
  • Are there cosmetics designed to enhance the appearance of necks??
    • (What does a scent gland looklike, anyway?) 
  • What about noses? Are noses considered sexy?? 
  • Can a good neck and a cute nose move someone from an 8 to a 10?
  • If smelling someone is foreplay, what does mean for people with naturally flared nostrils? Do they get hyper-sexualised? 
  • If smelling someone is foreplay, how do unscrupulous people take advantage of this? 
  • Are there alphas pretending to brush their nose so they can sneak a sniff of an omega? Deliberately standing downwind? 
  • Are ‘genteel’ alphas expected to stand upwind? 
  • Do events get called off because of Wind??
  • Do innocent alphas get attacked because they scratched their nose just at the wrong moment? 
  • What does this mean for nose hygiene? Is it considered rude to scratch or blow your nose in public? 
  • What about farts?