#things in life be crazy


I strongly suggest, my dearest friends, that if you have anything to spare that you consider making care packages for your elderly friends and neighbors.
Be safe, of course. Be considerate and courteous. There’s still an illness rampant in the streets. But consider how difficult it is for them to get out to stores and if they are able, how naked and bare they are. 

If you have a roll of TP you can afford to part with (you can, unless you’re a twat who’s wiping your ass with half a roll of TP every time you drop a deuce), add that to the pack. If you have a couple cans of protein – tuna, pork and beans, chicken, salmon, etc – put that in there.  Sanitary pads can be used by anyone who has incontinence, add two or three (especially if they’re overnights or heavys). Any sort of sanitizing products, portion it into a ziploc or a small bottle and share. A couple bottles of water. Napkins you might be hoarding in your glove compartment, if you have a car. 

People are afraid. The elderly are often alone, with very few people to rely on.  We shouldn’t have to be.  Remember kindness.

Stay safe out there.
