#things of beauty






Sharp-tailed Grouse

Sound On

Every squirrel’s crazy for a sharp-tailed grouse.

Me getting excited in the kitchen when my toast is almost done. 

blondebrainpower:Decaying neo-gothic turrent hidden in the hills of Italy


Decaying neo-gothic turrent hidden in the hills of Italy

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do you love the colour of the basilosaurus

everyone tagging this as “do you love the colour of the spine” is funnier than me

alright pack it up boys i’ve hit my peak


Levels of funny:

  1. Weird shit happens - Jeremy turned into an opossum and escaped inside the walls
  2. Add emotion - Jeremy got so mad that he turned into an opossum and escaped inside the walls.
  3. Add a relatable element evoking said emotion - Jeremy got so mad about his roommates not doing their dishes that he turned into an opossum and escaped inside the walls.
  4. Imply that this happens regularly - Jeremy got so mad about his roommates not doing their dishes that he turned into an opossum and escaped inside the walls again. His roommates are now arguing whose turn it is to fish him out of there.
andiest:veensa:This semester i made this illustrations of “The Last Wish”, first book from “The Witcandiest:veensa:This semester i made this illustrations of “The Last Wish”, first book from “The Witcandiest:veensa:This semester i made this illustrations of “The Last Wish”, first book from “The Witcandiest:veensa:This semester i made this illustrations of “The Last Wish”, first book from “The Witcandiest:veensa:This semester i made this illustrations of “The Last Wish”, first book from “The Witcandiest:veensa:This semester i made this illustrations of “The Last Wish”, first book from “The Witcandiest:veensa:This semester i made this illustrations of “The Last Wish”, first book from “The Witcandiest:veensa:This semester i made this illustrations of “The Last Wish”, first book from “The Witc



This semester i made this illustrations of “The Last Wish”, first book from “The Witcher Saga” by Andrzej Sapkowski
All of them you can found at my behance page

I feel it is incumbent upon me to tag @jackironsides just in case

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Day Seven Hundred

Now, my girl, you’re so young and pretty
And one thing I know is true, yeah
You’ll be dead before your time is due, I know it

See my daddy in bed a-dyin’
See his hair been turnin’ grey, yeah
He’s been workin’ and slavin’ his life away


Omar Mahfoudi, Come Back to Me


Day Six Hundred and Ninety Nine

I’m an evil evil woman
But I want to do a man some good
I’m an evil evil woman
But I want to do a man some good
I’m Gina Lollobrigida
I ain’t red riding hood
