#things that are true




The girlies who romanticize this are NOT gonna like this one

Hon I don’t know how many times I gotta say it

That’s why we WRITE these people, not FUCK them.


I think posts about how art is in human nature are often only capturing half the picture. Yes, there’s a fair amount of evidence that creating art is a natural human impulse that most people would spend much of their time indulging if left to their own devices, but what’s also evident is that there’s an equally strong inclination toward having opinions about other people’s art. Even before mass media – hell, even before mass literacy – there’s ample documentation of the fact that shouting matches (and occasional fistfights) over favourite poets has been a perennial pastime in basically every society of which records survive.

Or, more briefly, it is not humanity’s essential nature to make art; it is humanity’s essential nature to make art and then argue about it.



unpopular opinion but if you find a main protagonist of a pieces of media so triggering that you need their tag blocked and their name and image blacklisted in every discord server youre continued presence in that fandom at all is self harm and you need to leave

this isn’t gatekeeping this is “stop staying in places where potential harm to You Personally is a natural, inescapable part of it and expecting everyone around you to accommodate you.”

Do people with peanut allergies go to the peanut factory and demand they stop making peanuts? you look like a fool

Also when fans hate like every single part of a piece of media. It’s like. Do you understand that you don’t have to keep consuming this? Fandom is supposed to be fun. If you’re genuinely upset 99% of the time, something is wrong.

I run entire blogs on how horrible parts of Homestuck are but I still have genuine affection for the characters and the sense of humour and love that it used to have and lost. If I didn’t, I’d ignore it.






tbh if you use “gay panic” to mean “haha omg i’m gay and panicking,” you don’t get to say shit about how ~queer is a slur~

Cuz gay panic was a legal defense homophobes used to get away with literal murder. For anyone wondering.

Is it just me or is this reaching a bit to claim homophobia.

I don’t think you’ve understood. The point is that the phrase “gay panic” used to have a very specific meaning and it was nothing to do with being adorably gay and hapless. Nor did it ever mean gay people attacking others. It meant it was OK,or at least understandable, to attack gay people. It typically referred to cases in which:

a) A straight man murders a gay man.
b) “Excuse me, you appear to have murdered this person”, says the legal system.
c) “But your honour, I couldn’t help myself”, says the murderer. “He was gayand he came on to me, and I panicked.What else would any normal man have done?”
d) “Fair enough” says the legal system, “We’ll call it second degree/manslaughter.”)

Here’s a shockingly recent example from 2015.
This researcher claims“Based on my early analysis, defense attorneys who enter gay panic defenses can reduce a defendant’s murder charges 32% of the time, even though the majority of these homicides involve incredible violence.”

The above case and study are American, however, no, this issue isn’t particularly America-centric. The “gay panic” defence has been used in murder cases around the world. And while it’s slowly being banned in many places, it’s still happening, albeit not at the same rate as the “trans panic” defence, i.e “She came on to me and she was transand I panickedsoobviouslyI killed her! What else was I supposed to do?”

No one’s saying you are personally being homophobicif you use the phrase “gay panic” to mean “eek can’t function too gay teehee”. Just that if someone doesuse the name of a lethally homophobic, victim-blaming strategy for literally getting away with murder in that way, but is also one of the people who argue that we can’t use a word (queer) that we’ve willingly used to identify ourselves and express solidarity between groups for decades – because shock horror ‘queer’ used to be a slur! – then it’s pretty obvious it’s not actually queer’s prior history as a homophobic term that’s the problem. It’s the solidarity part.

“Is it just me or is this reaching a bit to claim homophobia” it’s just fucking you.


“If ONE MORE PERSON says “What if they’d medicated Van Gogh!?” I think I’m permitted to set things on fire. If they’d medicated Van Gogh, he’d either have painted twice as much, or he’d have been happy and unproductive. And you know what? Starry Night wasn’t worth a terrible price in human misery. It’s neat. It wasn’t worth it. Sometimes I wonder if being an artist makes me jaded to ART. Because it’s not magic and it’s not mystical, it’s just paint or pixels. And it can do amazing things! But you don’t owe humanity to be miserable just so you can move paint around in interesting shapes. Jesus. Art is not some kind of Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas bargain where you agree to be miserable so everybody can go “oh! Neat!” for 5 minutes.”

— Ursula Vernon, dropping the mic.  [x]


rb if you are in fandom and you are Old and Tired



btw, the realization that you can just not say shit about topics you’re not qualified to talk about is both very liberating and one I think alot of you need to make.

like fr, being online doesn’t mean you’re obligated to comment on every little thing, you can just shut the fuck up if you don’t know what you’re talking about

Loki: I am burdened with glorious purpose.

Thanos: I am inevitable.

Agatha Harkness: It’s adorable how little you two matter compared to me.
