#this book



[ORV 188 Spoilers]

「Incarnation Kim Dokja will be killed by the person he loves most.」

Brooke took the book in her hands, holding it out to Vy, as Hayden came walking up as well, Eltanin

Brooke took the book in her hands, holding it out to Vy, as Hayden came walking up as well, Eltanin and Arlene both busy with schoolwork. He could feel the magic, but it was controlled enough for him to ignore it. 

Brooke: This was my parents.. it was the only thing left where our house was, they never told me how to read it, said it wasn’t for me. I thought, maybe you would know..?

River: That sounds like a good idea. For now, I think we need to focus on keeping your magic calm and under control so it doesn’t flare again. And then we can start training you to control it… After you rest. -he imagined after overcharging that his son was absolutely exhausted.-

He turned to Brooke and gave her a gentle smile, now feeling a little guilty that he had been so mean to the girl. She had lost everything in one day. Her family, her home, her boyfriend, and though she had gained a friend, he wasn’t entirely sure if it was better when Flynn was the only comfort she had had back then.

River: Brooke, I will need you to show me the spell, so I can mimic it.

Vy took the book and opened it, eyes widening at what he read. It was a compendium, written in Saryon and Varys. It didn’t sing, which meant that though powerful, the mages didn’t really have a domain over the Vyrs.

Vy: It’s written in my tongue. I imagine the twins gave it to your parents, and they had been taking notes on it. 

Vy read through it, through the many spells, they could also read the parent’s plans. How they had been hunting dragons for decades, and had eaten the hearts of dragons, but were yet to successfully take control over one heart for them. He read their attempts to enslave dragons, but how the adults rebelled and foiled their plans, and then they read the last part. The gross part, the part that had Vy pale and close the book quickly. How could they have done this? How could they plan such a thing to their own daughter? Here Vy was trying their very best to aid their children, and this was what these things (they were too despicable to be called parents) had planned to do to their daughter.

Brooke: I can teach you, unlike them, I’m not afraid to share, especially when it can help someone I care about. 

She looked at Flynn, who looked like he could fall asleep sitting up, it made her sad that she in a way had caused this, and not even thought about what could happen when she stopped leeching his energy. Her attention moved to Vy, who seemed to read the book.


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Tara: I’m with you on that, babe

Darcy: Are you trying that out, the babe thing?

Tara: I’ve been trying to work it into conversation

Tara: What do you think?

Darcy: I mean, I’m a babe, but ‘babe’?


Hey folks! It’s been really fun seeing these character intros from Little Thieves circulate, and I thought I’d put them all in one handy post for you! For folks who’ve read the book already, I’ve added Adalbrecht and Irmgard at the end there, since I did some quick-n-dirty renderings of them for a character alignment quiz. At some point I’d like to add Death and Fortune, but here’s the main cast for now!

obsessed with these JKSHJSK

However it’s exactly because Prince Jingyan is this kind of person, that makes him the good friend t

However it’s exactly because Prince Jingyan is this kind of person, that makes him the good friend that Chiyan’s young general could befriend way back then, and the future lord that Mei Changsu can support today.

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