#this feels really bad but like i dunno inspiration struck



You are the weakest member of a famous superheros family. Villains kidnapped you for a ransom, unfortunately hostage situations don’t work when your family is already neglecting you…

“I’m telling you, they aren’t going to come,” you says in a bored tone, and your captives ignore you again. A few weeks later, they are beginning to believe you, and the lead Villain does not appreciate this.

“You are literally the smartest person in the compound! You could overthrow them with one plot! I don’t understand why they don’t want you!” So mad, the villain unties you and your freedom is granted, but you decide to stay there, they treated you better than your family ever did anyway. Hanging out with Villains isn’t as cool as one would hope though, they keep having to move and your family keeps attacking them. Finally, the lead Villain comes to you, and asks for your help. You promise to help them win one battle if they give you a new suit and a new supername. They quickly agree to your terms. Your powers might be weaker than your families, but that just meant you had to rely more on your brain, making you whip smart and really good at plots.

The Villain allows you to pick your suit, this one doesn’t match your family and you actually decide to pick your favorite colors, blue and white. This makes the villains laugh, as you have fire powers. They also let you dye your hair, something your parents strongly disapproved of. After the makeover, you feel like YOU and the Villains can tell, you just seem more vibrant and more cared for. Setting out, you begin fighting your mom, and she doesn’t even recognize you. All you did was dye your hair and your own mother doesn’t recognize you. Trying not to feel to disheartened by this, you finish out the fight strong, and the Villains finally win. They all start cheering and hugging you, celebrating. Shocked that they acknowledge your help and your part, you forget to celebrate for a minute, a small tear rolling your cheek. You may have just defeated your biological family, but the warm feeling in your stomach says you just helped your real family win.
