#this is exacctly why i like slow burn




you know, i’ve always been a little confused about why fuckbuddies-to-lovers fics are my favorites, even though i’m ace. i think i finally understand now, though.

see, the point of fuckbuddies-to-lovers fics is that sex isn’t enough. so many fics end with the characters getting together in a final “we’re finally kissing/having sex!” sort of way. we’re finally complete now! but with sex-to-love fics they’ve been fucking the whole time, but that’s not the part that matters. i guess i just really enjoy the idea that sex does not a relationship make, and all parties are hurting so bad because they need more than just sex.

I assume both slow burn and coworkers to lovers are my faves because of the ace thing. Randomly meeting someone and spending an hour with them and having sex makes no sense to me. Going through years of life or death peril side by side and developing a deep bond of trust then sex, much more logical.
