#this is like a commentary at this point






Okay I’m re-watching my seasons of Criminal Minds starting at season 1. Usually I start a little later at like 3 or 4. I’ve loved this show for over a decade and all of its characters (except for the last like 3 seasons because they piss me off,) but–anyway–for some reason Gideon is pissing me off…? Like maybe it’s because I know he leaves and it effects Reid for a very long time but the way he’s treating Spencer as I watch (I’m on episode… 7… I think..) is making me really angry.

Has anyone else ever has this happen?? Like I thought I loved Gideon? I still adore his profiling methods and everything but certain things are pissing me off.

Anyone have thoughts on this?? An opinion? Advice?

Also, FUN-FACT-that-I-just-realized: in the episode “L.D.S.K.” (1x6), Hotch says he’s worked with Reid for 3 years, and in “Plain Sight” (1x4), they’re celebrating Reid’s 24th birthday – which means Spencer was barely 21 when he started. Which is insane! I’m old enough now to realize how young he was when he started – like holy shit! My respect for Dr. Reid increased even more, lol.

Edit: You know what? Elle is pissing me off too. But like in the exact opposite way Gideon is? The way she treats everyone is fine and she’s absolutely beautiful as always but her profiling just seems weird all the sudden, and her personality seems…one dimensional, maybe? Almost like her “hating” (as in taking them down–be it physically or verbally–rolling her eyes, or scoffing at them) men is her only personality trait? Idk. Maybe I’m just comparing them to Rossi and Prentiss? Like obviously I prefer the latter two to the former but I thought I liked all of the characters. I could also just be annoyed at how inconsistent and incomplete the characters seem in season 1 compared to all the other seasons, but that has ALWAYS annoyed me while the Gideon and Elle thing is new. *sigh* Someone help, lol.

Okay I’m just gonna start adding to this post rather than continuously editing it, soooo…

Most recent thought while rewatching the Criminal Minds seasons (I’m still on season one), which seems to be happening a LOT:

Does anyone else low-key ship Hotch & J.J. together during this season but not later in the show??? Like I adore their interactions. I don’t think their little conversations and moments together are supposed to seem flirty or cute but I see them that way? I wonder how long that will last? Until she’s with Will, maybe? Usually I don’t do ships where one of the people would be cheating with the other, so this surprises me. Maybe it’s because I know how Hotch’s story–and marriage–ends? I know, despite her tragically dying in the most traumatic way possible (and yes I do cry during it every time), that Hailey was a bitch to Hotch most of the time, blatantly cheated on him and didn’t really try to hide it, only took Jack and left Hotch after she had already cheated, and still acted like he was the bad guy and that she somehow didn’t realize how important his work was to him despite saying it herself in one of the first few episodes, and, lastly, is fucking annoyed, of all things!, and only thinks about how things will effect her after learning Foyet tortured Hotch and successfully separated him from his child – and all of these things make me majorly dislike Hailey. Which I guess could be the reason I keep wanting to ship Hotch with people during a time he wasn’t romantically available?

But, yeah, early season’s Hotch/J.J. pairing, anyone else agree or see this??

Oh, also, the episode “Riding the Lightning” with Sarah Jean makes me emotional and teary-eyed every. single. fucking. time.

Random Thought: Hotch smiles more in season one than in any other season, it seems. Also, Garcia not being part of the main cast at the beginning is fucking crime.

Next Criminal Minds Thought While Re-Watching:

I already said this but imma say it again. Hailey Hotchner. I REALLY dislike this bitch. (I’m towards the end of season one with the episode “Machismo” – y'know, the one where all the women of the village cut off the unsub’s dick? BADASS BITCHES – so I’ve only seen Hailey a couple times.) The way she treats Hotch bothers me a LOT. She’s so passive aggressive in this episode and uses her sister to help bully/manipulate him and make him feel bad for doing his job. I know in later episodes she uses a very young Jack against Aaron multiple times with snide comments meant to make it seem like he’s not a fantastic father.

Another Random Thought: half the time in these episodes the local police are so fucking stupid. Like, the only people who do more or worse damage at any given time is the press and/or journalists. Which is a new level of bad you do NOT wanna reach. In this episode especially, though, they act like childish, homophobic, idiots.

I’m in the middle of the second season now. And the Hotch/J.J. vibes are going strong. She’s like his partner in crime. She’s blatantly flirting with one of the cops to manipulate him into letting her re-check something and after he agrees and turns away they both turn and smirk at each other. Like they are so fucking cute!

Does anyone else see this??

Funny Thought: does anyone else look at Tobias Hankel and hear him saying “Penis, Penis, Penis. Vagina, Vagina, Vagina.” from Varsity Blues? It makes me laugh.

Okay, I dislike watching the episode “Revelations” because I hate seeing Spencer being tortured. However it has one of the best exchanges/lines in the whole series that I had completely forgotten about. Like:

Tobias’ Sponsor: Do you know anything about his Daddy?

J.J.: We think Tobias Hankel may have murdered his father.

TS: *proud* Good for him!

I laughed so hard. Omg. Anyway like alot of people I only watch this episode for the amazing paternal Hotch/Reid moments. Because Hotch is absolutely Spencer’s found father and nobody can convince me otherwise. The hugging scene where Spencer says, “I knew you would understand!” while near tears, visibly beaten, and barely able to walk? It kills me.Everytime.

Also in case y'all haven’t noticed Elle is gone now and Emily is here and my love for her is INSTANTANEOUS. (I say this because I KNOW that my beloved Rossi will piss me off for a little bit before he goes into being, y'know, “normal-Rossi”.)
