#this is maybe ringing a bell





So apparently Morbius is returning to like 1000 theatres today in a blatant attempt to cash in on the memes we’ve all been making.

Listen to me. Look me in the eye while I am saying this to you. Listen.

It is of the utmost importance that absolutely no one goes to see this movie now. That is the best and indeed the only way we can end this horrible, brilliant joke. We’re so close, you guys. SO close.

it’s going to bomb twice and that is so beautiful

The only “Morbius” I can think of, right now, is the Doctor Who serial “The Brain of Morbius.” but that’s not what you are talking about, is it?

Reply from @fourteen–steps​:

It’s Yet Another Marvel Movie about scientist Jared Leto turning himself and Matt Smith (who becomes evil) into vampires to try and cure their shared unnamed plot device blood disorder. It’s apparently a terrible movie and has spawned tons of memes

…So there’s an (accidental?) Doctor Who connection, after all…
