#this is so cute


Damn Ninjas 


#ninjas    #animals    #wholesome    #animals of tumblr    #this is so cute    #animalsnaps    #so wholesome    


Ty to Julian

Hi Julian,

Don’t be mad.

I mean, not that you should be mad. I don’t think it would make sense for you to be mad, because you always say “wish you were here,” and soon I will be there. I heard from Ragnor that you just asked him to come to Blackthorn Hall, and I talked to him, and I’m going to be coming with him to London. 

There are lots of good reasons for me to come to London. For one thing, I am curious about what it is like to be in a house that is cursed. You always say that the most important thing is my schoolwork, and up-close experience with a cursed house will definitely help in that department. Which is another reason that you should not be mad.

Ragnor says he’s going to bring a ley-line map of London that he thinks can be used to discover likely locations where Tatiana put the objects that keep the curse in place. He also said he would show you how to read a ley-line map. I thought Ragnor was going to say something about how Shadowhunters ought to know these things already. I said that to him, in fact, but he said no, apparently the Spiral Labyrinth only standardized leyline mapping about fifty years ago and before that every warlock used some different method. I asked if he knew who had made the map and he said no, but maybe he would when he looked. Anyway, ley lines are also something I’ve been studying, so this will be an excellent chance for me to learn more. Another reason for you not to be mad.

I was just going to show up and surprise you but then I thought about it and I realized I wouldn’t like it very much if someone showed up and surprised me, so…I’m going to show up but warn you ahead of time. I also thought if I told you ahead of time, and you were mad, you could be mad before I get there and not after.

(I was going to bring Irene, too, but Anush said that would be more likely to make you mad than me just showing up on my own, especially since Irene eats curtains and it sounds like there are a lot of curtains on the upstairs floors. I really want you to meet Irene, though. She’s gotten big but she’s really well behaved. And I taught her to high-five! Next time I’ll bring her, when I’m not traveling with someone as grumpy as Ragnor.)

I also feel like it would be a good idea for me to check that the Ghost Sensor is working right. I want to take a look at it when I’m there. Anush and I have been working on Sensors some more, because there are a ton just lying around here. We’ve been experimenting with setting them to detect other kinds of supernatural things – we made a vampire Sensor and a werewolf Sensor, those were pretty easy. We’ve got a Fey Sensor that works on about one-third of the faeries we’ve tried it on; that one needs some improvements. I made an angel Sensor but I have no idea how I would ever test it. Anush says that so far it is functioning perfectly as it has correctly detected that there are no angels around.

Surprisingly, it’s much harder to make a Sensor detect something not supernatural. I tried to make one to detect gold and then one to detect bats. Neither of them really works. The only one that’s been a success is the lynx Sensor. As you can imagine, that one went off pretty much continuously for the three days we were testing it. We had to break it with a hammer to stop it. And by we, I mean eventually a bunch of people showed up at our room and demanded that we break it with a hammer.

That has nothing to do with why I’m coming with Ragnor to visit you, by the way! Nothing at all. I am just really looking forward to seeing you and Emma and the house, and I want to learn something about reading leyline maps. Okay, I’ll see you soon! Remember you said you wanted to see me! Don’t be mad!



dekimu00: knightic:when my little brother was even littler my mom came up with the 小兔子 bunny game dekimu00: knightic:when my little brother was even littler my mom came up with the 小兔子 bunny game dekimu00: knightic:when my little brother was even littler my mom came up with the 小兔子 bunny game dekimu00: knightic:when my little brother was even littler my mom came up with the 小兔子 bunny game dekimu00: knightic:when my little brother was even littler my mom came up with the 小兔子 bunny game dekimu00: knightic:when my little brother was even littler my mom came up with the 小兔子 bunny game



when my little brother was even littler my mom came up with the 小兔子 bunny game to get him to eat

(it took forever for him to finish meals)


My heart <3 

Post link


happy@sheithlentines day!!! this is for @togeko (or @crimson_poison on twitter)



Rantaro: So… Saihara… do you have a crush… on anyone?

Shuichi: The only crush I have is this crushing anxiety.

This might be my new style??? Idk



Wolf pup howling for the first time

I’ve reblogges this before but words cannot express how my face lit up when it came across my dash again so here you go, you’re welcome. This is my favourite thing.

soolani:Feel Special SweaterYet another piece of cc I forgot about finally uploaded! A cute sweater


Feel Special Sweater

Yet another piece of cc I forgot about finally uploaded! A cute sweater with a shirt underneath!

  • BGC
  • 20 Swatches
  • New Mesh
  • Custom Thumbnail

DOWNLOAD:Patreon(Always 100% Free!) | Alt(sfs)

Post link
this is so cutethis is so cute


one bed: peggy middle spooning

happy valentine’s day my lovelies!

~bingo card~

Awww! Them <3

Also Dottie’s freckles??? ADORABLE-



a/n: so.. I’ve never written a hc I don’t know how this is supposed to WorK but my god my heart :,) (p.s if ya’ll want a proper fic of this let me know!!) also i know this is v inspired by twilight but idk i needed 2 write five dancing oops

  • Five’s never been to a high school dance (obviously, as if ol’ Reggie would have ever let him go to anything like that) 
  • so when you ask him to accompany you to your end of year dance he nervously agrees  
  • but he’s lowkey excited about spending a whole evening with you 
  • (a.k.a the love of his life)
  • what do people wear to dances??? he doesn’t know??? 
  • after he’s done his research he decides on a dark blue suit and tie, with some cute lil silver cufflinks (they’re the ua symbol, + he took them from reggie’s study once he died lol) and a white shirt underneath
  • he dies as soon as he sees you walking down the staircase
  • ohmygod you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen, he’s genuinely convinced you might be an angel
  • he just wants to tangle his hands in your hair and press his lips to yours right that second
  • “no you’ll ruin my makeup, Five!”
  • he takes your hand as a compromise, bowing dramatically (and kinda ironically) and softly kissing your knuckles as he gazes up at you through his lashes
  • damn that boy’s too pretty for his own good
  • your heart flutters at the sight,, you can’t help it oops
  • once you arrive at the dance, five tenses next to you at the number of people there, his hand tightening around yours
  • he’s not used to so many people after being alone in the apocalypse
  • noticing his discomfort, you pull him out of the crowded hall and into the cool night air
  • you can still hear the faint music from inside 
  • in the middle of the garden there’s gazebo lit up with the glow of hundreds of golden lights
  • it looks like a thousand fireflies are floating around it, and it might honestly be the most romantic thing you’ve ever seen
  • smiling at you, five gently leads you towards the gazebo 
  • once you’re both standing in the centre, he places a hand around your waist and you unconsciously lean into his touch 
  • “dance with me?”
  • of course you say yes
  • how could you resist that cute little smile??
  • he raises the hand that’s holding yours, and your hand traces up his suit to rest on his shoulder
  • “I don’t… I don’t think I know how to dance like this, Five”
  • stepping closer, he just looks down at you smiling gently
  • “let me lead then,” he whispers, and you tilt your head to meet his gaze
  • picture it this SONG STARTS PLAYING FAInTLY
  • (seriously pls listen 2 it while reading uwu)
  • five starts to move with you, careful to guide you in the steps
  • you start to panic despite his firm grip, glancing down to watch your feet so you don’t accidentally steP on him
  • he places a hand under your chin, lifting your face until you’re looking at him again
  • “concentrate on me. trust me. I’ve got you.”
  • releasing the tension in your muscles, you let him guide you in the dance
  • occasionally he spins you and you almost feel like you’re flying
  • every time he can’t help the sheer adoration that spreads across his face
  • eventually, your arms end up wrapped around his neck, both of his hands placed gently on your waist
  • as you continue to sway, you glance up at his hair and quirk an eyebrow
  • “did you try to style your hair?”
  • he grins sheepishly and averts his gaze for a moment
  • “…maybe?”
  • you run your hands through the back of it for a moment and Five leans closer to you
  • “it’s cute” you whisper back, grinning at your stupidly cute boyfriend
  • your chests are touching bc ur that close and you can’t look away from the emotions that are so clear in his eyes
  • after dancing for a few minutes in silence apart from the soft music in the background he begins to speak
  • softly, he murmurs “I’m so in love with you, y/n”
  • grinning at his words, you lean up on your tiptoes to press your lips to his
  • they’re warm, and they move in perfect sync with yours
  • (you don’t care about your makeup anymore)
  • you can’t help but smile into the kiss, your heart soaring at the contact
  • his arms tighten around you, pulling you closer if that’s even possible
  • breaking the kiss for a moment, you return “good, because my heart is entirely yours, Hargreeves”
  • he leans his forehead against yours, just admiring your face in the glow of the lights
  • “always and forever”

Keep reading


the lil family i’m currently playing

they are actually a reboot of these guys



♡ — tags/warnings: gn reader + no pronouns + tons of fluff <3

♡ — a/n: allie posting mysme content after so long???? more likely than you’d think!!

♡ — masterlist

ZEN.your hand cream. both of you have different needs and tastes when it comes to body cream. as an actor, zen keeps up a very strict self-care routine, especially with his skin, so it’s rare you share products. however, the one thing you do share is hand cream. he likes rubbing it on his hands and then taking them to his nose, inhaling contently. the smell reminds him of you, it’s exactly what your hands smell like when you caress his face before you go in for a kiss. it brings him comfort and warmth, especially what he needs when he’s rehearsing for long hours, far away from you.

JUMIN.your shampoo. “you can use mine!” you said that one time you had forgotten to place the order to the supermarket for the house items jumin and you needed. “it will leave your hair soft, i promise,” you insisted, and stood on your toes as you gave jumin’s lips a quick peck. jumin didn’t mind, however, he also didn’t think the aroma would linger to the next day. he caught himself looking for you just to realize it was his own hair that smelt that way. once he finally made the connection, he found warmth in the feeling. he quickly texted you and asked that you no longer order his shampoo but rather order more of yours. “knew you’d like it!” you texted back, and jumin softly smiled. yes. he definitely liked smelling just like the one he loved.

YOOSUNG. your hairpins. while at first he borrowed them during an emergency (he was running late to class and didn’t want his bangs falling to his face), when he saw himself in the mirror after class, he couldn’t help but smile. since then, he always takes yours to pin down his blonde locks before he heads out for class. when you meet up, there’s a playful glint in his eyes, almost as if he’s waiting for you to notice your pins on his hair. sometimes you pretend not to notice only to see him getting adorably frustrated, but most of the time you give in, telling him how cute he looks.

JAEHEE.your nail polish. jaehee wasn’t one for nail polishes. she had to make sure it always looked presentable and it took time away from her day. she would only make sure they were short enough for them not to get in the way of her job. however, one night when you were staying over you offered to paint her nails after you were done painting yours. she was about to refuse, but then you smiled widely at her and said: “that way we can match!” soon before long, she was sitting on the couch watching you paint her nails with a soft pink. “it’s not too bright to it will be great for work!” you said you an excited grin. since then, jaehee has found herself asking you to do her nails every chance she gets, loving the idea of matching in such a subtle way she can still think about you at her office.

SAEYOUNG.your clothes. ever since you started living with saeyoung, there has only been one closet for the two of us. you’ve seen him wear your pyjama shorts while he works at home and you’ve worn his sweatpants on lazy sundays. the item you like sharing the most? t-shirts. saeyoung loves going on etsy and buying the most incredulous designs, and it has become a habit for you to try to one-up each other with the most ridiculous ones. saeyoung’s favourite is a custom-made one that has his face and elizabeth the third’s face on it, with a sparkly BFFS on the bottom. best gift you’ve ever given him.

SAERAN.your gloves. saeran’s hands, always pale and a bit bloodshot, are the ones that suffer the most during winter. more than once you’ve seen him rubbing his hands together, an almost imperceptible expression of pain when he presses down on his knuckles. the first time you noticed this, you were leaving the movie theatre after catching a screening you had been waiting weeks to see. you took your gloves out of your purse and handed them to him. after a few refusals, he ended up accepting and quickly realized how much it helped the pain in his joints– plus, even if you hadn’t worn them in a while, it was similar of holding your hand, right? that night, he fell asleep wearing your gloves, his cheek snuggling onto his palm, finding comfort in the fabric and the remnant smell of your hand cream in them.

JIHYUN.your masks. a misplaced mask of him drove jihyun to take one of the disposable pastel masks you always left in a box next to the door. he was running late, and god forbid he let you wait for more than a couple of minutes for him. when he arrived, your eyes shined in recognition and before he could even greet you, you lowered both of your masks and pressed your lips against his. “you look so pretty,” you smiled, before putting your masks back where they were. you took his hand and began walking to the cafe you decided to visit that month, and he couldn’t help the silly smile, full of adoration that formed in his life as you lead the way. maybe he should start wearing your masks more often.


Forgot to post this yesterday but here’s a Yoosung edit!! ✨


Shion waiting for Nezumi be like…

( ꈍᴗꈍ)


I love everyone’s yukatas in the new event.
