#this is so fucking good op




you never have to be afraid of being weak again.

Keep reading

[ID: A comic of Adaine and her Father’s final confrontation in the Forest of the Nightmare King. It is mostly black and white, with the exception of Adaine’s blue magic and glasses and Angwyn’s green magic.

1: Angwyn, an elven man with a patch over one eye wearing a cloak, holds one hand out, crackling with green magical lightning bolts. His other hand is bandaged beneath his cloak. Over his shoulder, Adaine is on her hands and knees, one hand reaching out towards him.

2: Aelwyn at Angwyn’s feet. She is lying on the ground, beaten up, Angwyn’s magic crackling around her. She looks towards Adaine sadly.

3-5: A closeup on Adaine’s face as she sees what’s happened to Aelwyn. / Angwyn looking back over his shoulder towards her, in shadow except for his bright white eye, full of malice. / A closeup on Adaine’s hand, loose at her side, with blue-green magic starting to gather in it. / Adaine’s face, full of rage, as her eyes & glasses start to glow blue-green. / Adaine’s hand closes into a fist at her side, the magic growing around it.

6: Adaine goes from crouching on the ground, her magic glowing around her fist, to leaping through the air towards her father. Her magic leaves a trail behind her as she flies through the air to strike him. He leans backwards.

7: Adaine flying through the air, from Angwyn’s perspective, as she leaps towards him. She’s a blur of motion, one fist pulled back and ready to strike, glowing with magic. She has one hand reaching forward. Her eyes are glowing and her face is full of rage.

8: Adaine striking her father in the face. Her magic is blue with traces of purple in this frame, not blue-green. Her fist connects with his face, the bandages on it unraveling as he flies backwards, his face squished and utterly messed up by Adaine’s fist. Her eyes are still glowing as she punches him.]
