#im losing it

who gave him the right to look this fucking good

who gave him the right to look this fucking good

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looking back at the first parts of my webcomic and the yassification of my art style hit me like a ton of fucking bricks


2020’s Plan:

- Alternate Day Fasting during the week with 500 cal limit:

  • Monday: fast
  • Tuesday: 18:6
  • Wednesday: fast
  • Thursday: 18:6
  • Friday: fast

- 800 cal limit on weekends

- 1.5 hours of exercise everyday + 50-50-50 in the shower (50 squats, 50 standing crunches, 50 wall pushups)

- 8 bottles of water per day

- No fried foods during the week. Try to slide back to your vegetarian habits


“Really, Junjun?"  GJ just really likes seeing ZZH with his initials around his neck, pro

“Really, Junjun?" 

 GJ just really likes seeing ZZH with his initials around his neck, probably. 


Day 10: With animal ears 

LLD 30 Day OTP Challenge


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My Heart Is Breaking…

Yesterday mine and my fiancé’s eldest dog (6years old) suddenly collapsed on her walk…She has problems with her back right leg but we never thought that it would get so bad she’d collapse.

After taking our new puppy for her vaccinations we took our eldest to get checked out…only to be told it’s either her spine or brain and it would cost thousands to even find out what happened…then more money for whatever treatment…if it’s even possible to treat.

After taking her home to see if she improves for today and she has not. She is in no pain and she is eating, drinking and sleeping but she can’t walk…I have done enough research and experienced enough life to know she has likely had a stroke and lost her ability to walk.

However as much as it could be that, without tests we can’t know and we can not afford it. And before anyone says don’t get a dog if you can’t afford it…shut up.

We have money to take care of dogs in a general way, if they get injured out on a walk or need anything like that but who buys a dog expecting them to have a stroke or anything that going to cost more than £10,000 and in this country having that kind of money is rare. I am not rich, I am a normal woman with enough money to survive this crappy world.

So…my heart is breaking because I want to save my baby girl but I cant. She may be a dog to most people but these dogs..they’re my kids and right now I am losing my eldest child.

Today we may have to put her down because the only thing she can’t do is walk. She’s eating, her tails waggling and she’s drinking but without the ability to walk (which with money we could fix) she can’t use the toilet.

So to my baby girl I am so sorry mummy and daddy can’t do more. I would do anything to keep her alive and help her…I love you Bonnie.❤️



you never have to be afraid of being weak again.

Keep reading

[ID: A comic of Adaine and her Father’s final confrontation in the Forest of the Nightmare King. It is mostly black and white, with the exception of Adaine’s blue magic and glasses and Angwyn’s green magic.

1: Angwyn, an elven man with a patch over one eye wearing a cloak, holds one hand out, crackling with green magical lightning bolts. His other hand is bandaged beneath his cloak. Over his shoulder, Adaine is on her hands and knees, one hand reaching out towards him.

2: Aelwyn at Angwyn’s feet. She is lying on the ground, beaten up, Angwyn’s magic crackling around her. She looks towards Adaine sadly.

3-5: A closeup on Adaine’s face as she sees what’s happened to Aelwyn. / Angwyn looking back over his shoulder towards her, in shadow except for his bright white eye, full of malice. / A closeup on Adaine’s hand, loose at her side, with blue-green magic starting to gather in it. / Adaine’s face, full of rage, as her eyes & glasses start to glow blue-green. / Adaine’s hand closes into a fist at her side, the magic growing around it.

6: Adaine goes from crouching on the ground, her magic glowing around her fist, to leaping through the air towards her father. Her magic leaves a trail behind her as she flies through the air to strike him. He leans backwards.

7: Adaine flying through the air, from Angwyn’s perspective, as she leaps towards him. She’s a blur of motion, one fist pulled back and ready to strike, glowing with magic. She has one hand reaching forward. Her eyes are glowing and her face is full of rage.

8: Adaine striking her father in the face. Her magic is blue with traces of purple in this frame, not blue-green. Her fist connects with his face, the bandages on it unraveling as he flies backwards, his face squished and utterly messed up by Adaine’s fist. Her eyes are still glowing as she punches him.]

gabelandeskog: COL @ EDM - Western Conference Final, Game 4June 6, 2022 | © Derek Leung


COL @ EDM- Western Conference Final, Game 4
June 6, 2022 | © Derek Leung

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Prompto is having none of your shit today, Iggy x 




Losing it over this twitter account

[Image ID: Three tweets from Real Jonathan Harker. The first says “Dracula took my phone. (tweet sent from Nintendo 3DS)” The second says “Dracula took my 3DS (tweet sent from Nintendo Wii U)” The third says “Dracula took the Wii U (tweet sent from LG Smart Refridgerator)” /end ID]


[Image ID: Tweet from Real Jonathan Harker that says “Hello friends! It is I, Harker Jonathan, informing you that I am not a prisoner but have fooled you all with my (all caps) hilarious jokes, Ha-ha! Dracula is a friendly and normal human gentleman and we are simply having a fun time of wacky hijinks together! /end ID]

[Image ID: Tweet from Real Jonathan Harker that says “how to delete a twitter” /end ID]

[Image ID: Tweet from Real Jonathan Harker that says “ha ha whoops! More comedy from your human friend Harker Jonathan, everyone! but actually if someone could tell me how to delete a Twitter I would find it very helpful” /end ID]

OP how could you leave out the best one

[ID: Tweet from Real Jonathan Harker that says, ‘I see how it is. The Tumblr people are all “Where’s my friend Jonathan Harker? What’s going on with my friend Jonathan Harker? My friend Jonathan Harker hasn’t written to me in days,” but then my fiancee’s best friend get’s a marriage proposal from ONE cowboy,’ End ID]


Hyperfixation Brain has activated and I don’t think I’m capable of doing ANYTHING today but fixating on TDP news.

Just a few hours left until news happens.


this is the funniest thing I’ve seen in weeks




holy shit

Even the caption “holy shit” could not prepare me.


George W Bush: In contrast, Russian elections are rigged. Political opponents are imprisoned or otherwise eliminated from participating in the electoral process. The result is an absence of checks and balances in Russia, and the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean, of Ukraine. Heh. Iraq. Anyway, uh… I’m seventy-five… Uh. Here’s the th-


NEW GIF PACK ALERT: 118gifs of rafael silva (cis man. he/him )in911: lone star season 2that were made from scratch by me. please give this post a like or reblog if you use/save or find these gifs to be helpful in any way! if you enjoy my gifs, please consider tipping me on ko-fi!

trigger warnings: gun, flashing lights, fire

️‍ this pack is part of my birthday + pride month packs! ️‍


gif pack rules, gif page and other links can be found here!

gendermybeloved: crayfishcoffee:Queens and their knights and their lovers. [Image description: a dig



Queens and their knights and their lovers.

[Image description: a digital drawing, showing everything in profile. Caramelinda Rocks is standing at the top of a staircase. Her hands are resting on a candy cane staff. She is wearing a purple crown with sparkles around it. On her way down the staircase, spear in one hand, shield held up with the other, is Amanda Maillard. She has brown hair in a bun and yellow and brown plate armor.

Striding along the ground toward the staircase is Saccharina Frostwhip. Her cloak is billowing out behind her, and she is carrying her spoon staff. She has a pink crown on her head, surrounded by sparkles. Running up the staircase, axe in hand, is Gooey. She has purple skin and pink hair, and is wearing brown armor and green leggings. The background is light pink, with darker pink tapestries. The tapestries each show a wrapped hard candy drawn in white. End description.]

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Now are you ready?!

Look at what I just got!

I got this motherfuckers!


And they send me this magnetic book markers

And the box! With the picture I use as reference (is from @joleanart go check her art!)

I love them so much.

what???? this is SO COOL


odin, glancing down at baby loki as he carries him home after finding him abandoned: good thing I still have all those green and black baby clothes from 4000 years ago that nobody knows about but me

[Never thought I’d lose it But it’s looking like I will]

[Never thought I’d lose it
But it’s looking like I will]

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