#this is so funny and true



Calisto Yew is truly the only character in the Investigations games that makes sense. All the women in this game are like “omg… Mr. Edgeworth… so refined and proper… so hot haha… I think I’m in love…” while her immediate reaction to him is “what the fuck are you wearing and why do you talk like that. what the fuck.” and that’s incredibly valid of her. Truly the only realistic and believable reaction to being exposed to Miles Edgeworth. If a man spoke to me in real life wearing a frilly cravat and tsk tsked at me and said some shit like “checkmate” I would simply shove him into a locker. Maybe also take his lunch money but apparently the butterfly effect of doing that spawns lovesick lawyers into the Ace Attorney universe. rip to Rhoda Teneiro and Lauren Paups but I’m different.
