#this is so great




They’ve found the cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Babies who die of SIDS have a significantly lower level of an enzyme, the purpose of which is to rouse the baby from sleep if necessary (such as the baby stops breathing). This is extremely huge science and medicine news. There is a biological reason. It’s not random.

Previously, parents were told SIDS could be prevented if they took proper precautions: laying babies on their backs, not letting them overheat and keeping all toys and blankets out of the crib were a few of the most important preventative steps. So, when SIDS still occurred, parents were left with immense guilt, wondering if they could have prevented their baby’s death.

Dr. Carmel Harrington, the lead researcher for the study, was one of these parents. Her son unexpectedly and suddenly died as an infant 29 years ago. (…) Harrington explained what she was told about the cause of her child’s death. 

“Nobody could tell me. They just said it’s a tragedy. But it was a tragedy that didn’t sit well with my scientific brain.” 

Since then, she’s worked to find the cause of SIDS, both for herself and for the medical community as a whole. She went on to explain why this discovery is so important for parents whose babies suffered from SIDS. 

"These families can now live with the knowledge that this was not their fault,” she said.

(…) As the cause is now known, researchers can turn their attention to a solution. In the next few years, those in the medical community who have studied SIDS will likely work on a screening test to identify babies who are at risk for SIDS and hopefully prevent it altogether.


Welp, I should consider this my first GG animation!

I actually made this for my 2D Character Animation final. It was pretty awesome  that I was able to make the entire class laugh, haha! I was planning on cleaning  up and coloring the animation during my winter break, and…well…I didn’t. I feel really bad about it, BUT I’m sure that there will be some opportunities in the future for me to finish it! I was planning on sharing it online when it was fully completed-but the hell with it! I’m pretty proud of it!  








there’s a website where you put in two musicians/artists and it makes a playlist that slowly transitions from one musician’s style of music to the other’s

it’s really fun

lady gaga -> napalm death takes a weird detour through epic rap battles of history

This is actually really useful for finding music that’s in between genres that I wouldn’t know to look for.

This has nothing to do with books but it’s COOL

pei3325: I don’t know what shoes Chris wears. What tags should I use?


I don’t know what shoes Chris wears.
What tags should I use?

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