#this is so long im sorry haknyeon got a lot of thoughts



their schedules slowly begin to get a little more and more packed with variety shows, and etc, as they ease themselves into the industry. something that haknyeon is thankful for –– it’s always great to have something to do. the more schedules, the better, really. and it’s actually been a while since he’s last had a schedule alone with jungwoo. or this might actually be their first schedule together as a duo without the other members.

haknyeon thinks of jungwoo as one of his closest friends, a best friend, even. they were both pretty similar in age and he found himself easily going along with whatever jungwoo did, and sharing whatever concerns he had with the other. still, with more schedules came the lack of time for the both of them to truly sit down and simply just… talk things out. it wasn’t as though there was anything between them that needed fixing ( at least, haknyeon didn’t think so ); but the last time he’d spoken seriously to jungwoo, the older boy had professed his attraction towards another man ( man, still unknown to haknyeon ). and whilst haknyeon was nosy in his own right, he didn’t exactly want to push jungwoo for answers. even though he really wanted to know. 

ever so curious, he’d spent the last few weeks watching jungwoo. his eyes always trailing the older boy and his gaze in an attempt to figure out who exactly had caught his heart. from the little deduction that he’d made, haknyeon was sure that it was either a) a staff member or b) his worst fear –– a member. and through his sort of discreet observations, he was worried that perhaps it had been option b all along.

there was perhaps no better time to confirm his suspicions than now, seated in the waiting room before filming began. “hyung,” he says, turning to look at the older boy. “there’s something i’ve been meaning to ask you,” there isn’t really any smooth way to ask this, and haknyeon doesn’t think that there need be any, really.  “remember the last time we spoke… when you told me about… someone you liked,” his voice is soft, so as to not attract the attention of anyone around them. thankfully, the staff seem pre-occupied with something else altogether. “i might just be overthinking this,” he shrugs, and he really does hope he’s wrong, “but it’s a member, isn’t it?”
