#this is the content we love to see



I don’t know what’s cuter, the fact that Donald can and will pick up and carry his kids

Or the fact then when he carries Louie Louie holds his hand


It had been quite a fruitful summer afternoon for Narya and his siblings. After lunch, they had run to their satchels and went on their way to comb the countryside. Their garden was now too small for the three young adventurers; the jungle of hair grass behind the house had lost a great part of its interest now that they were tall enough to actually stand over it. The pond couldn’t be an ocean anymore, and its inhabitants were too familiar; the thrill of the swing too occasional. Narya, Nenya and Vilya were craving bigger horizons: and since the worst danger around the cottage was probably boredom – since boredom usually led to troubles – they were authorized to explore the countryside if they respected the three rules – which were “stay together”, “do not enter the forest”, “never go beyond Haruni’s domain”.  Simple.

Anna had tons of additional rules, such as “do not bathe into the sea”, “come back before sunset” or “do not wander out of the main road”. The last two didn’t make any sense, because every time they happened to be lost, he always found them, on way or another. Following those rules, however, were a negligible price to pay to escape the excruciating adult discourse about the importance of trustandparental disappointment.

Today, they had been good – the best way to have peace, really – and they were coming back with dirt on their hands, twigs in their hair and newts and frogs in their pockets. Well, that was mostly Nenya’s for the last point, but the three of them were excited to come home and release the new subjects in the garden, their kingdom.

On a common accord, they decided to stop at the pond first to avoid any suspicion or reprimands. Small critters, they knew from experience, were not welcome in this house. It was not tidy.

I am hungry, Vilya announced after they had freed their little guests and made sure that they were comfy in their new home. It was, after all, the perfect time for an afternoon collation.

They entered the house through the back door, which was leading to Atya’s workshop – a place usually forbidden, despite its interesting machines, but it was the fastest access to the kitchen and since there was no noise coming from it, it sounded safe enough.

Still, they walked in discreetly. Inside, it was indeed absolutely silent, besides the lazy creaking of the hammock at the back of the room and the distant humming of a lost fly. The whole house was still, made lethargic by the warm air and the quietness of that summer afternoon.

In fact, that silence was utterly suspicious. Usually, Atya and Anna were always busy with some new project or home improvement. Were they gone?

The children crossed the workshop on their tiptoes, careful to not touch anything – an exploit, giving how the ground was messy with various materials’ fragments. They were almost at the other door when Narya stopped dead in his tracks; Vilya bumped into him with a soft noise.

What?he asked grumpily, rubbing his nose, then following what his brother was showing him. Yew!

The hammock suspended in the corner of the workshop was not empty: in fact, Atya and Anna were both in it, and from their abandoned forms and closed eyes, they appeared to be napping. His back half-turned to them, Atya had his head tucked under Anna’s chin; one of Anna’s hands curled around his shoulder, folding back the hammock around him like a cocoon, regardless of the free leg that was dangling in the air. Anna’s own face was tilted toward Atya, his nose almost brushing Atya’s brow. Their breathings slow and even, they looked very peaceful.

It was properly disgusting.

They’re holding hands, Nenya commented.

Indeed, they were, half hidden by the grey drape. Vilya closed his eyes.

Are they sharing… you know… marital osanwë? Narya asked with curiosity.

The thought was repulsing. Sharing some thoughts between twins was something; union of souls was another. They didn’t know exactly how it was supposed to work, but it sounded too intimate. And it was forever!

When Vilya forced himself to look again, he jumped with fright.

Two golden eyes were staring at them, heavy with reproach. The children froze, barely breathing, suddenly very aware of their scruffy state after a whole afternoon laying on muddy riverbanks. Then, one arm slowly extended and pointed to the kitchen in silence, forbidding them to make the slightest noise.

‘Brioche in the kitchen, got it!’ Narya quickly agreed, mouthing the words in silence, and he pulled Vilya along with a hand on his collar.

In all honesty, later, they would agree between them that the whole grumpy look had been rather diminished by the tousled hair and the hickey visible along Anna’s jawline.

For now, they hastened to make their exit, leaving their parents to their snuggling.
