#this is unintelligible enjoy


my personal ranking of the top 3 most attractive things luke pearce did in his personal story 3

because before i can allow my brain to have cool thoughts about character development and story progression, i need to exorcise my ridiculous simping


number 3: this scene but not just for the reason ur thinking of

let me get “the reason ur thinking of” out of the way immediately because yes, yes this scene is so hot to me because Hands and Mouth and please, im a simple guy, i see my favorite character and Hands and Mouth and i am satisfied! and here luke is, putting on his gloves while biting the other, I AM SATISFIED!

however, what really got me here was the other things he did. or rather, the stuff he used for it. because this scene has me blown away. cuz like


it’s so simple but so useful, this is a swiss army knife of a man. in sott, hes just pulling out all the needed stuff for resin molds outta nowhere and here he is similarly ready with this shit. hes got gadgets and gizmos aplenty, hes got whozits and whatsits galore, and you want thingamabobs? hes modded PLENTY.

i digress. this scene is so attractive to me because it just makes me realize that i wanna go shopping with luke pearce at North Face and we’ll geek out about pockets and modular clothing //SIGHS LONGINGLY


number 2: meowing

ive already freaked out about this before but i will Do It Again. he meows. he MEOWS. not just in the jp dub, but in s-cn dub too, and i hope this is also true in the other 2 language dubs cuz POV: LUKE PEARCE MEOWS AT A STRAY CAT TO PSPSPSPSS IT TOWARDS HIM!!!

yes yes he was meowing to cats for Investigation reasons but DAVIS in the Fieldwork function says that he sees luke often preoccupied with stray cats, so even for non-investigation purposes, hes gonna be meowing at strays. hes gonna be crouching to the ground with a can of cat food and meowing and all the stray cats of south stellis have pledged their loyalty to this strange man who has the vibes of a dog and constantly hangs around a bird but is also very kind to cats

the animal population of stellis city has undoubtedly decreed luke pearce as the Goodest Boy. and u KNOW thats when a dude is top tier


and saving the best for last

the bit that rlly made me go OH HONEY, TURNS OUT YOU ARE HUSBAND MATERIAL

it issssss //drumroll

number 1: putting a fitted sheet onto a mattress easily

luke pearce, hand in marriage now. i told my girlfriend about this bit and she agrees that this is the hottest thing ever, and we’re both right. and idk how im supposed to explain this further, it’s HOT. IT’S SO HARD PUTTING SHEETS ON A BED (OR MAYBE I JUST SUCK AT IT) AND LUKE PEARCE DOES IT EASY PEASY NO PROBLEM.

luke pearce may be absolute shit at cooking, but he DO THE CLEANING, he DO THE BED MAKING, he DO THE CAPTURING OF MY WHOLE AND ENTIRE HEART!!
