#this was really fun and relaxing tbh

so sorry for the recent lack of art and activity!I am participating of two zines and working on the

so sorry for the recent lack of art and activity!

I am participating of two zines and working on the respective artworks has taken all of my free time, but soon i’ll be able to post them so keep an eye out for that!

ive had a difficult day today and the DW magazine pics and interviews gave me a boost of creativity to just doodle and sketch!

so I drew their moment on the beach :)

Edit: forgot the image description! so sorry
[image description: a digital horizontal artwork with sketchy lines and coloring. On the left are Yaz and the Doctor in their outfits for Legend of the Sea devils, they are sitting on a grassy cliff looking at each other with gentle expressions and holding hands, Yaz’s sword is on the floor on their right. The sun is setting behind their faces and behind them you can see the sea and a pirate ship, the sunset rays casting warm orange lights on them. /end image description]

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