#this whole post



Nuea’s breakdown wasn’t due to insecurity issues. Unlike Sky that has shown multiple times that he doesn’t think he’s as good as his friends or good enough for Jao, Nuea is full of confidence. Just as some basic examples, our Bi-King is also the King of Exhibitionists and look at the way he deals with people- always calm and collected. Dude knows who he is and what he wants, and no one can shake him. 

However, Nuea is also a smart guy. He listens. He pays attention. He makes completely rational inferences based on the evidence in front of him. This breakdown was just like the “Every time I say hi to him, he calls me shit” problem.

I mean, imagine that you had a lover you were so happy with and planned to be with forever, and every other day they talked about “When we break up.” Of course it’s going to sound like they have one foot out the door already.

That break down wasn’t because he thinks he’s unworthy or anything, it was just because (for good reason) he felt like Toh wasn’t 100% in with their relationship- and in a way he was right. Toh was still idolizing Nuea (A la 美しい彼) and therefore totally sure that this was a temporary daydream that he will have to hold onto via his trash in the future. All of this of course stems from Toh’s insecurities, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt Nuea.

This is all the more reason Nuea’s breakdown really needed to happen. Toh needed to see him as human, not an idol or a dream, but as a real man who loves him and wants his love in return.


late nite doodle dump; feat. Pathetic man thing hugo

EDIT: btw 3rd pic is just binderless var he is not a gal thank you
