#this whole stream thing is so fun


Hey all! A lot of you know that I’ve been streaming a bunch of art and games on Twitch lately and I’ve really been enjoying it; so much so that I’m only 10 followers away from reaching Twitch Affiliate!

What does reaching Affiliate mean? Well, that means I’ll be able to provide channel emotes for your use, and any support I receive from subs, bits, or tips goes directly to improving the stream and future illustrative works! It’s kind of like Patreon, but for frequent live content and direct interactions with the me, the artist!

That said, I’m planning on moving forward with my creative process by committing to an art/gaming stream: I’ll be playing a game I’ve never played before once through and then drawing a piece of fanart for that game! Typically I don’t let people see my works in progress, but this way you’ll be able to actually watch how I illustrate from start to finish and enjoy some laughs along the way c:

Originally when I started streaming I wasn’t planning on striving for Affiliate and was just streaming to help me focus on art, but I’m really quite close to achieving Affiliate now, which is a big surprise for me! I’m so happy people are enjoying my content and sticking around to chat and have fun.

Please help me out by giving my Twitch channel a follow; I’m 10 followers again from hitting Affiliate, so it would mean the world to me to hit this goal As always, I really appreciate your continued support, and am really excited to start a new path on my creative journey as an artist c:

Reblogs are always appreciated!
