#this would be nice staff


okay but if Keith turns out to be part Altean….imagine how happy Allura and Coran would be when they find out that they’re not the last two of their kind in the entire universe. and how happy Keith would be to find out he does have a connection to others and he’s not alone:

  • Keith has people to talk to now about his culture and heritage. He, Coran, and Allura stay up nights chattering about Altea.
  • Coran and Allura teach him how to read Altean text, and it’s hard to get the hang of but Keith’s super excited about learning the language he was deprived of all his life. it’s his and he’s gonna master it!! Occasionally Pidge joins in because she wants to learn as well, and they help each other study after dinners.
  • When Keith first finds out about his lineage, his Altean marks appear. He’d been unconsciously hiding them as a defense mechanism his whole life, but now with the acceptance of his friends, he can wear them proudly. His marks are a dark red, and Hunk remarks that they look like cute little blushes on his cheeks, making Keith actually go red.
  • Keith finds he can do more than alter marks on his skin, and so Allura trains him in Altean shapeshifting. Keith doesn’t have the powers to the extent that a full-blooded Altean has, but he can do little things like changing tint and altering his height slightly, much to the annoyance of Lance.
  • Coran digs out an old cookbook that had been passed down the royal family line for ages. He teaches Keith how to make some of the people’s most favored dishes. Keith might not be the best chef—and some of the dishes he might find..less than savory—but Keith is gonna make the best damn space goo the team has ever tasted.
  • They introduce Keith to important holidays that they can celebrate together now that Keith has embraced his Altean self.
  • Allura wishes her father’s AI was still there, imagines how happy he would’ve been to see another Altean. It would’ve brought him to tears, so Allura cries for him instead.
  • Allura thinking of Keith as her little brother. Allura becoming protective of Keith, ruffling Keith’s hair, checking in on him every now and then to see if everything’s ok. Keith is awkward at first because..this is a first for him. But it’s nice.