#thischristmas christinasaintmarché

This Christmas

This Christmas by Christina Saint Marche
Via Flickr:
Christmas Night is a special evening in my home. By the time it comes around, all the presents have been opened, the food has been enjoyed and surely enough wine corks have been left on the kitchen counter. As the night comes along and everyone has left, it’s just me and my husband. We don’t do too much for Christmas for each other. It’s not “our thing” as we agree each year to donate what we would have spent on each other to a charity that needs a hand. The end of Christmas Day brings just the two of us together, a nice fire in the fireplace and a bottle or two of champagne. It also brings an opportunity for me to wear a new gown that I had made just for this night. For me, this is my gift to the man I married. No matter what happens in the world…it is “This Christmas”…for us. Its what the holiday truly means to me and what I wait for each year. Nothing else seems to really matter on this evening. Princess Diana once said: “I don’t want expensive gifts; I don’t want to be bought. I have everything I want. I just want someone to be there for me, to make me feel safe and secure.” I wish all of you a very Merry and Romantic Christmas 2021. Christmas is never about the value of the gifts given but rather its about the “Giver of the Gifts that come directly from their heart.” Joyeux Noël and may you find what you are searching for…..This Christmas. Peace & Love, Christina Saint Marché
