


I’m cryin

it confounds me that so many people care what my little nerdy self puts out to this hellsite, but you’re here and I love every single one of you for it

thank you to everyone who has ever supported my writing, you all have made me feel so loved and so special.

I have been on a bit of a writing hiatus, and I’m not sure when I’ll get back to it. to anyone who requested a fic, I’m sorry that I’m just not in the right space to be writing right now, life is too crazy and I have virtually no free time on my hands (I’m literally typing this on my break at work)

i still want to be present on here for the friendships I’ve established, so I’m not going anywhere, but writing will likely not be coming anytime soon and if it does it’ll be spur of the moment

that being said, I love all 1200 of you with my whole heart, don’t doubt that for a minute. mamawheeze is still here ✌️


while I don’t have any super special event planned, I do wanna celebrate a little. so if you’re still reading by this point, THANK YOU and LETS HAVE SOME FUN

- ask me anything about tv/movies - give me a rec, ask for a rec (bonus points if you tell me what kind of stuff you’re into), or just ask opinions on different things

- just ask me anything about music, making it or listening to it, OR send me a number 1-100 and I’ll give you my corresponding song from my top songs of 2021

- ask me anything about books - ask for what I’m reading or what I’ve recently read, or ask for a book rec (letting me know what you like to read will help me pick one for you)

AGAIN, i love all of you so very much ❤️
