#thr gathering



it’s been a while since he’s been to a private event like this, a showing closed to the general public, meant for just a select few. he prefers it like this, and those who know him would understand why, but opportunities like this don’t come around too often, so when the chance arises, he doesn’t hesitate to take it, even if he has to move some things around in his schedule. it’s also a good chance to see people he hasn’t seen in a while, a fact made evident when he spots sohee as soon as he enters the building.

as soon as he does, though, he almost doesn’t greet her, realizing just how long it’s been since he’s talked to her, or even reach out just to see how she was doing. it’s no secret that he has a lot of improving to do when it comes to friendships, not only in this manner but in so many others, but fixing those faults is a whole other matter and not one he’s going to address any time soon. still, he figures ignoring the mistake is better than ignoring her completely, so he ends up approaching her anyway, and he’s glad he did.

the night consists of quiet conversation, exchanging thoughts and ideas on their mutual friend’s pieces, admiring the detail and hard work that must have gone into each and every one of them. if he had a little more cash to spare, he’d probably even offer to buy one of them, but things have been tight this month, so he makes a promise to do so next time.

the show comes to a close faster than he anticipates, and while things like this have always been something he enjoys, he feels his energy quickly drain once the group talks about heading out for a meal and a few drinks. he’s already shaking his head before the attention can even be drawn to him, and he makes quiet comment to sohee so that he can avoid having to explain himself to everyone. “hey, i think i’m gonna head home,” he says to her, hoping she can convey the message to everyone else. “are you good?”

#rksohee    #thr gathering    