#thr killingme



Time is a fickle thing. It can be what brings people together, like long lost siblings, new friends, or family, and it can be what tears people apart, like relationships, stress, or life. The bonds of time are tumultuous and thin, able to be cut with the smallest of things. The bluntest of knives can be the end of something that could have been or the start of something that should have been.

Yoona had a relationship with time that was broken and unfair. She had been given chances that she had not taken, and chances she didn’t even know she had.

Yoona was very sociable and knew people who knew people. She was often invited to various social events and parties and encountered a number of people. Some she forgot easily, others remained in her memory. One such person was Wonpil. She had seen him enough times that he remained in her memories. She had felt some kind of a connection to the male but hadn’t been given the chance to discover what that connection was. He suddenly disappeared from her life and stopped hanging out with her friends. Still, she found herself wondering from time to time what happened.

For once, time seemed to be on her side. She had been out shopping and was minding her own business when she heard a voice coming from behind her. A voice that she could not forget. She smiled and turned around. ❝ Wonpil-ssi! ❞ She exclaimed, a grin spreading across her face. ❝ Where have you been? ❞

her smile, still effervescent as ever, fills him up with warmth, and memories of his uni days immediately flash into his mind, playing like a montage without the music, brief flashes of memories he hadn’t thought about in years. an involuntary chuckle leaves him as they pass through and disappear once again into the recesses of his mind as he finally manages to actually understand what she had said, rather than just letting the sound of her voice rest and linger in his ears.

“oh, you know, around,” he answers with another quiet laugh, answer as vague as can be. there’s no way he would ever tell her the reason he’d stopped hanging out with their mutual friends when she was around. barring the fact that she might be angry and upset with him, in retrospect, it had been kind of a childish thing to do and was embarrassing to admit in the first place. it wasn’t like he had harbored some deep personal feelings for her at that point; was it really worth losing a friendship over something like that?

well, there was no use dwelling in the past; he was never one to do so anyway, so he leaves it at that, only clarifying so that she doesn’t feel he’s snubbing her.

“i work at the hospital now,” he says with a nod in the general direction of where he works. he’d been in the physical therapy program back then, so he felt he should mention it. “still busking on weekends, though.” even back then, busking had been a staple in his life. “but enough about me! what about you? how have you been? you still look great, by the way.”
