#thr words written


seoyeon had only been writing songs for a little over a month now. she had been playing with beats for longer than that, but actually putting lyrics over a beat was a whole other thing. she’d had an idea for a song for a while, and even wrote a few lyrics for it, but she felt like it was missing something. she doesn’t remember how she decided to text haechan about it, but she liked his voice and thought it would be nice to write a song with him. whether they fell in love with the song or not, she was at least super excited that they would be able to gain the experience from it.

she digs into the bag of sour gummy worms that sits in her lap, popping one into her mouth before offering some to haech. “have you ever written a song with someone else before?” she grabs a couple notebooks and hands one to haech so they can write. “i’ve only been writing seriously for a couple of months. so if anything sounds a little corny… feel free to point it out. i write poetry all the time though so hopefully it helps it sound better.” she laughs.

she writes a few words that come into mind already, “i kind of want it to be a love song. i don’t think it’ll be like us singing it to each other, but i was thinking of maybe just writing about a single relationship. like they’re on the outside looking in on a relationship that was once great, but has turned lackluster.” she says.

                                                                      — ☾.*( @rkhaechan )
