#thrloving u



the manager tells meiqi that it would be best to stay at the company. even if there are no official schedules to tend to, he advises that she practice for their impending comeback, warns that it’s soon and she still has things to polish. it’s completely unsolicited advice, of course, because meiqi had already made up her mind regarding her attendance when she’d first heard of samsung’s summer party.

there are three reasons for this. one, she’s tired of practicing that same stupid song over and over again, and they haven’t even begun to promote it yet. she just needs a break, something to relieve all the stress and frustration of this horrible concept being forced onto her. two, she kind of wants to make life hard for the manager, because seeing him exasperated is more amusing than it probably should be. and three, her girlfriend will be there, too. no person in their right mind would sacrifice a day of fun and relaxation with the person they love most in the world. neither would meiqi.

she arrives later than she said she would, expensive sunglasses perched atop her head, partly because being fashionably late is in her blood (and that’s definitely the excuse she’ll give if someone asks); mostly because she couldn’t decide what to wear to impress chungha. they don’t see each other as often as meiqi likes, so every time they do get an opportunity as rare as this, she doesn’t want to waste it by showing up in just anything (though she knows chungha wouldn’t mind).

meiqi scans the rooftop for her girlfriend, squinting beneath the sunlight. there are lots of familiar faces from when she was still a trainee, and there are even more new faces that she’s never seen in her life. 

bingo! there she is. she’s moving without another thought, breezing right past the separate section reserved for idols (she’ll greet everyone there later) and immediately running up to chungha, whose back is turned towards her. her arms coil around her girlfriend’s waist, meiqi’s cheek pressed firm against chungha’s back. “surprise! did i take too long? did you miss me?”
