#tikki defends marinette



How the conversation in Kuro Neko could have gone down.

Seriously, Plagg blames Marinette for saving the day with other heroes when Chat is the one who was absent? He even wanted to miss the battle, neglecting his own duty!

He should have been focused on Paris, not about spending time with Ladybug. That is not why he was given the miraculous.

After hearing Plagg accuse Marinette, Tikki could not help defending her chosen. “That is not Marinette’s fault! Chat Noir wasn’t there. And I know for a matter of fact he could have been there earlier if he had wanted!”

Given how aware Marinette was of Adrien, of course she would glance over at his house. And being part of the suit, Tikki was not happy to see Adrien and Plagg just sitting on the sofa watching the fight.

Marinette was shocked. “Chat Noir skipped out on the fight?!”

Uh oh. Plagg tried to defend his friend. “Your fight was nearly over. He didn’t think he was necessary.”

“So he only joined us when the battle was over, when I am on a timer,” seethed Marinette. “That’s not how he’s supposed to act. I call the others when I need them for my plan to work. But Chat Noir was given the cat Miraculous to show up at every battle, not only when I call for him!”

“He’s busy,” Plagg defended.

“I know what it is like to be busy,” Marinette snapped, her hectic schedule ever on her brain. “And he dares to accuse me of favouring partners who only come when I need help when he himself won’t come?! You know what, fine! He can retire. I need a partner who is actually reliable and isn’t in love with me.”

Plagg’s tail and ears drooped. That did not go as planned.

Even Tikki looked worried. “Are you sure Marinette? Maybe Chat is just having a bad day.”

“He left his Miraculous out in the open! What if Hawkmoth or Mayura had been spying on us?” Marinette pointed out.

Ok, that was a bad move on Chat’s part.

“Everyone makes mistakes,” Plagg’s tone became lighter. “Even you. Need I remind you about Master Fu?”

“Plagg!” Tikki and Wayzz gasped chidingly. That was a low blow. But Plagg is not having any other holder than Adrien.

Marinette wavered. She had let her personal life interfere with hero business. Perhaps she was a bit hard on Chat Noir after all.

But if she continually mixed her feelings with business and that led to a catastrophe, what did this say about Chat and his feelings for her. She voiced this thought aloud. “I need a partner who won’t let his feelings get in the way. Someone who doesn’t have a crush on me.”

And the rest happens as Canon
