#timed ramblings


I think I need to chop this off into chapters… nahhhhhhhh

Progress Report

1/5 scenes written… very much behind schedule. But still, I am having so much fun writing. That scene alone has 2000+ words and the following scenes written that are just barebones, are 1300+ words. I suspect it will grow much in length.

I’m so fucking right, so fucking right!!!!!!

The Hubris is so fucking strong on that table. Ughh, I love how competent and arrogant they are in their own different ways.

Fuccccckkkkkk, I love Laerryn so much. I love Loquatius so much. I love Cerrit so much. I love Nydas so much. I love Patia so much. I love Zerxus so much. I love the Ring of Brass. Ahhhhhhhhhh, the lore drops tho. My brain has never been more focused.

Woahhhh, I just noticed. Sam has sparkly eyebrows.
