

That’s right. I can shake it at any size. (No need for skinny or fat shaming. We are all just perfect) Okay i am being silly today but this is the announcement for a new BOOTY CHALLENGE . We shall build that arse and be strong yogis. No stick figure yogis with no bum lol (although truth be told these pants are probably size 4 or so. 5 year old # Lululemon … regardless of legging size if i want to i can shake it at size 2 or size 20 its my business, right ). I am a foodie and downing my dates and tofu veggie dip after this booty workout. Keeping up with the veg gains. The class is FREE ( Whoop ) on my channel tomorrow. #timetogetsilly #bootyworkout #fitmom #bootychallenge #booty #timetogetfit (at Los Angeles, California)
