#tiny creatures

Red tailed hawk (Tiny Creatures S1E2, 2020)(via GIPHY)

Red tailed hawk (Tiny Creatures S1E2, 2020)


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Red tailed hawk (Tiny Creatures S1E8, 2021)(via GIPHY)

Red tailed hawk (Tiny Creatures S1E8, 2021)


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 P is for Pinhead B is for Bride (of Frankenstein)        New originals for the Tiny Creatures Alpha P is for Pinhead B is for Bride (of Frankenstein)        New originals for the Tiny Creatures Alpha

P is for Pinhead
B is for Bride (of Frankenstein)

New originals for the Tiny Creatures Alphabet crowdfunding:

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 On a day like today in 1984, the film “Nightmare on Elm Street” by Wes Craven was relea On a day like today in 1984, the film “Nightmare on Elm Street” by Wes Craven was relea

On a day like today in 1984, the film “Nightmare on Elm Street” by Wes Craven was released in the USA. According to Craven, the inspiration for Freddy Krueger’s iconic glove came from watching his cat scratching the couch. The “Tiny Creatures Alphabet” kickstarter is still on… support us or Freddy will poke you in the ass while you sleep! https://bit.ly/TinyCreaturesBook 

 Un día como hoy de 1984 se estrenaba en EUA la película “Pesadilla en Elm Street” de Wes Craven. Según Craven, la inspiración para el icónico guante de Freddy Krueger salió de observar a su gato mientras arañaba el sofá. El Kickstarter de las “Tiny Creatures Alphabet” sigue en marcha, apoyadlo o Freddy os pinchará el culete mientras dormís! https://bit.ly/TinyCreaturesBook

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 Un día como hoy de 1976 se estrenaba la película Carrie dirigida por el gran Brian de Palma y basad Un día como hoy de 1976 se estrenaba la película Carrie dirigida por el gran Brian de Palma y basad

Un día como hoy de 1976 se estrenaba la película Carrie dirigida por el gran Brian de Palma y basada en la novela de Stephen King. King tiró las primeras páginas del manuscrito a la basura, ya que pensaba que estaba escribiendo el peor libro de la historia. Fue su mujer, Tabitha, quien recogió las páginas y le obligó a terminar la historia. Carrie no podía faltar en el Tiny Creatures Alphabet  https://bit.ly/TinyCreaturesBook

On a day like today in 1976 the film Carrie, directed by the great Brian de Palma and based on the novel by Stephen King, was released. King threw the first pages of the manuscript in the trash because he thought he was writing the worst book in history. It was his wife Tabitha who picked up the pages and forced him to finish the story. Carrie could not miss the Tiny Creatures Alphabet. https://bit.ly/TinyCreaturesBook 

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Happy Halloweenl! Kickstarter just gave me the good news that the Tiny Creatures book is highlighted

Happy Halloweenl! Kickstarter just gave me the good news that the Tiny Creatures book is highlighted as a “Project We Love”. All the little monsters are more than happy and ready for the most terrifying night of the year, in the most terrifying year of all. Have fun!

Feliz Halloween a todos! Kickstarter me acaba de dar la buena noticia de que el libro de las Tiny Creatures está destacado como favorito. Todos los monstruitos están más que felices y listos para la noche más terrorífica del año, en el año más terrorífico de todos. Divertíos!

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untipoilustrado: Tiny creatures alphabet.An Artbook with the most abominable and cute creatures fruntipoilustrado: Tiny creatures alphabet.An Artbook with the most abominable and cute creatures fruntipoilustrado: Tiny creatures alphabet.An Artbook with the most abominable and cute creatures fruntipoilustrado: Tiny creatures alphabet.An Artbook with the most abominable and cute creatures fruntipoilustrado: Tiny creatures alphabet.An Artbook with the most abominable and cute creatures fruntipoilustrado: Tiny creatures alphabet.An Artbook with the most abominable and cute creatures fruntipoilustrado: Tiny creatures alphabet.An Artbook with the most abominable and cute creatures fruntipoilustrado: Tiny creatures alphabet.An Artbook with the most abominable and cute creatures fruntipoilustrado: Tiny creatures alphabet.An Artbook with the most abominable and cute creatures fr


Tiny creatures alphabet.
An Artbook with the most abominable and cute creatures from literature and film. Now on Kickstarter

El ABC de las criaturitas abominables
. Un libro con las criaturas más terroríficas y cuquis del cine y la literatura. Puedes apoyarnos en Kickstarter

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