#tiny dancer


With Rocketman being out and gaining a huge following, I think it’s the perfect time to share our work and connect with fans across the world!! 
If you are interested, the link is here!

A speedpaint I did last year of our favorite Sir! I still want to make a new piece for Rocketman, but this one is especially special to me, considering Elton retweeted this drawing last year on his birthday <3 
Elton and his music has and always will be a huge inspiration to me!


ok but how the heck was florence welch only 23 years old when she released her first album with florence + the machine

how did she sound like an ageless fae and a siren and a witch all at the same time, at the tender young age of twenty fucking three

i swear to god that woman wasn’t born but rather crawled from the ocean millennia ago, there is no other explanation
