#tlfk danger days


I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I want a DD tv series. Party Poison would be good NB representation.

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I created a whole ass DD alternative universe only because i accidentaly drew older Jet with both of his eyes and was too lazy to fix it. Turned out it was a wonderful mistake, Jet wears prosthetic eye and gets to grow old with Kobra

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Well, Valentine’s Day is supposed to be a day to express love, right? I think for the killjoys, that’s not just limited to romantic love. I think joys would send letters or postcards or gifts to all the people they care about - their family/crew, their romantic partners, their friends. Maybe some even hire smugglers to send a message to their family in the city.

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idk if this is the right place to put this, but show pony is the reason i’m so confused about sexuality. if they didn’t exist i’d assume i was asexual, but they’re too damn hot :/

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When I first watched the NaNaNa and Sing music videos, I knew Gerard had a daughter named Bandit with a woman named Lindsey, but not how old Bandit was nor what Lindsey looked like, so I thought that the Girl in the videos was actually his daughter. The way he hugs her when he rescues her in Sing just felt so real to me, I thought that must really be his daughter. (I know, I know, acting is a thing, but I really believed it).

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as someone with adhd and autism ghoul also has both and i dont take any critism whatsoever

(i couldn’t find the original artist for this. found on pinterest but it linked to a deleted instagram. if you know the original artist please dm me)

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I headcanon Ghoul as partially deaf! I reckon he damaged his hearing really badly in the first year or so of being in the desert, from a combination of mucking about with explosives and going to concerts too often without ear defenders, and that although he had tried to hide it from the rest of the Fab Four after he joined the crew, Kobra and Jet had eventually figured it out, and had built him a pair of hearing aids.

I reckon, as well, that all four of them are able to understand at least a bit of zones sign language, just in case it’s needed. Poison and Jet are probably the most fluent out of the lot of them, but Kobra and Ghoul know enough to get by.

art by ribkadory

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