#tlou2 spoilers


It pains me how, in the span of two minutes, remembering Joel is what re-fuels Ellie’s desire for revenge, only for remembering him once again to be what makes her realize her pain won’t stop if she kills Abby and nothing can bring Joel back. It’s a constant thing, and that hunting for Abby only caused her even more pain. It breaks my heart 

Abby: I wish someone loved me enough to make me a stocking


They’re my people

She deserves to be happy and idgaf about these crybabies hating on her

I saw these screencaps yesterday and I just had to draw them lol I’m pretty sure Ellie thought Abby was a cake

The Last of Us 2 was an amazing game, although in my opinion the story for the first one was better but I enjoyed the second more. The game felt fresh, the graphics and gameplay was amazing, the combat style was truly outstanding.

I didn’t like every cut scene, some were a bit boring but there were parts of the game that were so thrilling and exciting.

Now I don’t like Abby and at first I didn’t like her story but once they introduced Lev and Yara it got exciting, tbh I was more interested in their story than Abby’s.

You can say what you want but I will never see Joel as a villain, he’s living in an apocalyptic world and has tough decisions to make.

Playing as some random doctors kid isn’t gonna make me change my mind, I don’t know this doctor or his bloody kid. I’ve got no emotional attachment or connection to them so I don’t really care about them

Last of Us 2 Spoilercast with Neil Druckmann, Ashley Johnson & Troy Baker 

dr-paint:just some last of us 2 sketches :> Edit: I fixed joels face <3 YOUdr-paint:just some last of us 2 sketches :> Edit: I fixed joels face <3 YOU


just some last of us 2 sketches :> 

Edit: I fixed joels face <3


Post link

I feel like Neil Druckmann spit on my face


you are all so fucking condescending. “its your fault you went into the game expecting something else!” “naughtydog really overestimated peoples empathy” “you dont have to tear the game apart”

you know what im mad at? the fact that neil told everyone that they had thought about doing a game with different characters but ultimately the last of us is about ellie and joel, yet made ellies story someone else’s.

not only did they make it someone else’s but that someone else was a sadistic girl who likes torture and is the top soldier for a fascist and anti semetic organization, who “left” ONLY to find her shitty ex boyfriend to try and convince him to RETURN. she didnt leave because the wlf are genuine demons who preform demon actions, but because she wanted her and those she cared about to STAY with them. they try to tell us that, through caring for lev, she and ellie had the same journey. her taking in a traumatized kid bc she couldnt handle her friends thinking she was a bad person for torturing a man and killing him in front of someone who was clearly younger and emotionally devasted (really couldnt piece together two and two could you abby? even though you hated having your dad taken from you).

the ellie we love is not here. ellie “everyone i have cared for has either died or left me” “im scared of ending up alone” “everything that ive done, it cant be for nothing” williams abandons her friends, her wife, and her son. ellie is tortured left right and center by neil and co, to the point where she genuinely had NOTHING left. no even her mothers knife. they wanted her to be so alone they took away her fingers. there is no “its consequences for her actions” its writers being sadistic and saying that “hahaha look! arent you sad! lets show this fascist woman beat the face of this girls who you knew for the past 7 years as a baby faced traumatized 14 year old and have YOU do it!”

the ellie and abby fight is a direct parallel to ellie and davids fights, all the way down to environment interactions. throwing bottles to distract ellie so you can sneak up behind her once, twice, three times. oh but dont let her catch you though, because otherwise it will be Bad! you gotta hide sneak and run just like the scared 14 year old ellie had to from a cannibal rapist. this scene is meant to say that ellie is a “monster” but on the same level of monster as the man who tried to rape her. ive never been so disgusted at a piece of media.

its not nuanced, its not ingenious writing, its torture porn. its a constant “are you sad? are you sure? well lets take something from ellie again, we didnt think you were sad enough. see, the cycle of violence is bad! really wish there was some way to stop this :(“


people keep reducing critique of tlou 2 as a fault on behalf of the reviewer, stating that if they wanted a happy ending they’re delusional. as if the first game didn’t end with joel and ellie finding home in jackson and the time to work on their relationships and for ellie to have relationships.

the first game had cruelty but its theme was bright and this game as a second installation was not warranted. especially after left behind.

i have not seen a single valid response to people pointing out weak plot lines and how out of character almost every character was.

i didn’t expect a happy story. i expected a story that made sense.


The more I think about how Naughty Dog have handled Joel and Ellie’s story the angrier I get? Neil Druckman said they were going to do right by the fans, that they, “they wouldn’t do a sequel for the sake of it” and that they love the characters; but everything in The Last of Us Part 2 completely contradicts that.

I’m not saying art and storytelling should cater solely to fans wishes because honestly that just limits creativity. However, when you’re throwing away the core message of the original game, the whole reason you have people who love this story to begin with, it seems like a massive slap to the face to every single fan who waited seven years for this.

An endless cycle of hate and violence, for seemingly no reason, while using tropes that should have died a death a long time ago isn’t innovative storytelling, its mediorce and boring. Whatever game the critics are reviewing is not the one I’m seeing.

Naughty Dog could have made a great continuation, filled with all the hate and violence they could dream of so long as it made sense within the context of the story.

The message to be taken from the story they told? Everything that the characters did was ultimately pointless and there is no hope. What a terrible note to end on.
