



Theory:Jon never actually woke up from his coma at the start of season 4. He’s still in the coma, and everything afterwards is a dream the Eye put together to mess with him. Bonus points if Elias actually planned all of this from the start because he’s just That Ahead of everyone’s shit

That would also mean that yes he does in fact have day dreams about him and Martin being together

holy shit!! thanks yall!! I didn’t expect this account to get near any traction so this is wild!!

hawkfurze:The winner of the Eye’s “Whose the Specialist Little Boy” will be decided by the REAL spec


The winner of the Eye’s “Whose the Specialist Little Boy” will be decided by the REAL special boy.

forthegirlsgaysandtheys_ on tik tok had the most cannon idea for The Magnus Archives finale and honestly the final showdown BETTER o like this.

Post link

I made a carrd for this account! I’d recommend checking it out! It contains info for submitting theories and for the account in general! wahoo

