

Theory: Mary Keay wasn’t that evil. She was just really really into custom bookbinding. All her actions afterwards were just a result of her lifelong passion

Theory: The Anglerfish works by distortion rules. Clearly, Georgie was a victim of the Anglerfish in college and the one we know is all a big facade.

Theory: That wasn’t ACTUALLY Annabelle in the tunnels. Who was it? Hell if I know. But it’s not her. That’s not my girl.

Theory: In MAG 181, Annabelle tells Martin “Don’t worry, Martin. We’ll meet again. Hopefully when you’re feeling a little bit more… open-minded.” This clearly means that when Jon and Martin finally make it to Hill Top Road, Annabelle will walk out and just shoot Martin. Or hit him over the head. The details aren’t important

Theory: Martin will survive the Eyepocalypse by walking into the house on Hill Top Road, and simply walking through the crack in reality down there. That crack leads to the Eyepocalypse’s good twin brother: the normal world.


Theory:Jon never actually woke up from his coma at the start of season 4. He’s still in the coma, and everything afterwards is a dream the Eye put together to mess with him. Bonus points if Elias actually planned all of this from the start because he’s just That Ahead of everyone’s shit


Theory:Jon never actually woke up from his coma at the start of season 4. He’s still in the coma, and everything afterwards is a dream the Eye put together to mess with him. Bonus points if Elias actually planned all of this from the start because he’s just That Ahead of everyone’s shit

Theory:Jon and Martin will fail to save the world from the Eyepocalypse. London will continue to evolve under The Eye, and develop new government agencies and “secret” police system. After many years it’s revealed London has become the town of Night Vale.

I made a carrd for this account! I’d recommend checking it out! It contains info for submitting theories and for the account in general! wahoo

