#tmnt incorrect quotes


April: When I said “bring me something back from your trip”, I meant like a seashell

Mikey, trying to hold a seagull: Well you didn’t say that!

*Phone rings*


Raph: It’s Raph

Leo: What did he do this time?

Raph: No, it’s me, Raph, I-

Leo: What did you do this time?

Casey: I wasn’t that drunk last night!

Raph: You were flirting with April

Casey: So what? She’s my girlfriend?

Raph: You asked her if she was single and then cried when she said she wasn’t

Donnie: Does anyone else’s brain feel good when it releases a bunch of endorphins?

Leo: Can’t relate

Mikey: Why would my brain release a bunch of dolphins?

Leo: You know you can die from that, right?

Raph, smoking a cigarette: That’s the point

Donnie, drinking a beer: We’re trying to speed things up

Mikey, eating raw cookie dough:*nods*

Donnie, bowl of popcorn in his hands: Y’know, sometimes when I get bored, I break something of Raph’s and tell him Mikey did it

Leo: Why would that make you less bored?

Raph, from across the lair: MIKEY YOU FUCKING MORON! IM GOING TO KILL YOU!

Donnie: Oh goody! The shows about to start!

Donnie: It’s not a big deal!

Leo: What happened!

Mikey: Donnie punched Casey in the face

Leo: Oh my god Donnie! Is your hand okay?

Casey: What’s it like to get rejected by April for like the 16th time now?

Donnie: Shut up, your mother buys you mega-blocks instead of legos

Casey, Almost Crying: yOU FUCKING TAKE THAT BACK

Leo: Who ate my sandwich while I was in the bathroom??!!

Mikey: Idk, probably evaporated


Leo: Th-that’s not how that works

Leo: Our brother is in danger

Raph: But Donnie is right here?

Leo: I don’t know how to break this to you, but we have another brother

Raph: This is my brother Leonardo, he’s adopted

Leo: We’re all adopted Raph-

Raph: He’s extra adopted

Donnie, unable to sleep: Mikey, what time is it?

Mikey: I dunno, let me check

*Plays Single Ladies on the recorder*


Mikey: It’s 2 am

Leo: Donnie what is this called?

Donnie: A mop?

Leo: Now Mikey, tell him what you think it’s called

Mikey: A wet broom

Mikey: This is my half brother Raph

April: Wow he’s really tall

Mikey: Yeah he’s like 6”9

April: Jesus Christ

April: Imagine if he were a full brother

Leo: Alright you little shits! Listen up!

Leo: Not you April, you’re a darling and we’re lucky to have you here

Karai, holding sword to Leo’s throat: Do you wanna fucking die?

Leo: Yeah, kinda

Karai: Shit fam, you alright?

Mikey, in a New Yorker Accent: Bada bing

Leo, Across the Street: Bada boom

Donnie, Opening a Car Window: FORGET ABOUT IT

Raph, on a Rooftop: IM WALKIN’ HERE

Casey: Tomorrow is garbage day

Donnie: I can’t believe they have an entire day dedicated to you
