#tmnt michelangelo appreciation




Mikey, in every incarnation: is clever, witty, emotionally intelligent almost to a psychic degree, picks up on ideas easily, has a rich imagination.

A surprising number of fanfic writers for the last 30 years: Haha, Mikey doesn’t know what words mean, Donnie has to dumb everything down, Mikey is too dull to understand the point, haha.

Other fanfic writers: Hey, can we stop doing that already?

I like to remind people of the TMNT movie when Mikey is skateboarding and distracted but easily “translated” Don’s techno speak. He does this fairly regularly through the 2003 series.

Having recently rewatched both, I shall hard agree. Also, both the 2003 series and the 2007 movie had him very involved in research and information.


Why is Mikey the last one left?


This is why…

Good catch. Now is it Mushin or Wuwei? Mikey could embrace both. The Last Ronin mostly likely did.
