#tmrss reveals


The day is finally here! Reveal Day, here we go!

Is everyone ready? Tin foil hats sorted? Guesses all in? Bingo cards to hand?

All will now be revealed…!!

Here are the TMRSS 2020 Santas!!

Thanks so much to our fabulous santas, who worked very hard to create a gorgeous and diverse sleigh-load of gifts with which to bless the fandom! What a beautiful flood of festive tmr content for us all to swim in!!

We hope that you all had fun this year, both creating and receiving your gifts, and thank you so much to those of you who have shared your excitement, both here on tumblr and in our tmr discord (contact @comebacknow if you’d like to join us there, it’s lots of fun!).

We have reallyappreciated seeing all the reblogs, screaming, livereads and guesses; not only is it a wonderful act of celebration of all the hard work that our santas put in, but it encourages us and keeps us going!

Please continue to reblog and share the stunning creations we have been gifted by this year’s santas! Reblog, rec, tag, comment - show our dedicated creators some love!


if you want to post your creations on your own blogs, or anywhere else, go for it!

We’d be really, really grateful if you could tag/mention “tmrss20″ when you do

Also, go ahead and thank your betas, cheerleaders, or houseplants if you want to - there’s no longer any need for secrecy! ‍♀️️‍♀️

We’d like to personally thank the following people:

@whiterubys for designing our fabulous banner and icon - check out Anne’s blog for more gorgeous gifs and edits!

Our wonderful pinch hitters and beta readers: @comebacknow,@keeperoftherunnerrs,@singt0me,@00250,@jo-the-unknowable,@kathsilver,@seaselkie,@minhonewtandtommyand@persnickett!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You’re all absolute ⭐STARS⭐ and we appreciate your help so very much!! We could not run tmrss without having amazing pinch hitters who we can trust and rely on; you’re absolutely crucial to the event and to making sure that nobody is left without a gift. Thank you, tmrss angels!!!!!!!

And, last but certainly not least! Thank you ever so much to the kind, thoughtful santas who went out of their way to bring some extra festive joy to the two of us and to allow us to get involved in the fun guessing games!! We loved our gorgeous, hilarious fic and our beautiful, personalised art so very much!!!!! You made us very happy, thank you!!

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Thanks again everyone for participating this year! Hope you had fun!

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Hope to see you all next Christmas, for tmrss21…!

Dreams and Bridge

Hi, @santatellmeon a03! If you are here and want to be on the tmrss20 reveals page, please dm Bridge on discord or message her/us on tumblr ASAP, so she can add you to it!

If you don’t want to be on the reveals page, then no worries! :)) 
