#to everyone




@themerrywhumpofmay day 2: Eye Contact

TW: rich people doing rich people things.

Notes: Just a little drabble. This will not make any sense out of context, so if you’re not following along with the story at least partly, well. Still read it, because I want you to so badly. But like, it’s gonna be a rough follow. Takes place a few weeks before Bring Me the Collar, or approximately 7 months in. 

Table of Contents

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Leo sits silently at the large table, his shirt collar constricting his neck just on the edge of uncomfortably. Next to him, Luke talks enthusiastically with another senator. 

It’s all wealthy people at this event. It’s black tie exclusive, Leo’s first time feeling so put together since his time with West. Luke hadn’t pressured him to come, but he had made it clear there was an open invitation. In a moment of, perhaps unearned, confidence, Leo had agreed.

Now, he sits quietly, watching Luke talk business. Leo has done well tonight, he thinks. He’s earned a break from conversations with strangers, from warm smiles and handshakes. He takes a slow bite off of his plate, feeling oddly anxious. Luke is right next to him, but feels so far away. 

Keep reading


FIRST OF ALL- go leo for trusting that luke will keep him safe


or don’t because i live for the drama

Yesss how far he has come! 

To those of you working your asses off getting degrees: You’re amazing and I’m proud of you.

To those of you working your asses off to make ends meet: You’re amazing and I’m proud of you.

To those of you working your asses off just to get through the day: You’re amazing and I’m proud of you.

To those of you who are human beings, just trying to do your best: You’re amazing and I’m proud of you.

To summarize: Y’all rock.


I call upon the fan fic writing gods to bless you with the perseverance to finish one of your unfinished drafts. 

May your fingers dance along the letters upon your device with ease, may the devil of distraction stay far from you, and may your work not need much editing.

I pass this blessing upon every fan fic writer out there.
