#youre amazing



Here are we again, another Sunday, another Spotlight! This time it’s @sweetysamaa!!!!

Before I begin with this week’s spotlight, some things to note:

  1. These Spotlight Saturdays are my way of saying thank you and giving some love to my friends and other content creators in the fandoms I’m in. SO, as long as I am physically able to, I will spotlight someone. If I haven’t gotten to you yet, chances are, I will, at some point in the future.
  2. If you want to nominate someone for it, or want to nominate yourself (hey, give yourself some credit too!) then please go ahead and add their     name to the sheet I have up here.My only request is that if the artist or fic writer does do a lot of NSFW work/writing, you note it for me.  
  3. Always looking for help! Please DM me if you’d like to help!

That all said, here we go with this week’s Spotlighted Author (and artist):


So, let’s start with saying that I first met @sweetysamaa about a year ago (can you believe that?) over at @tenzoscabin when I asked about bread making tips. Later on, I actually got to know her as an author and artist. And you know what else is amazing about @sweetysamaa besides her being extremely multi-talented and amazing like this? 

English isn’t her first language! 

@sweetysamaa is actually a native French speaker, but she learned English to be able to share her amazing art and stories with us. I know that I personally do not have the energy or the time or the talent o be able to do that. You are amazing @sweetysamaa

So because we have an artist and a writer today, I’ve decided to split the spotlight between story and art so that  we get a full look at @sweetysamaa‘s works! 

You can find her art here!
And her stories in French here!
And her stories in English here!

On a side note: @sweetysamaa​ also runs a French Naruto Discord, for those who are interested! 

And now enough of my talking: let’s talk about @sweetysamaa​‘s works!

First, let’s hit up the stories.

I’m going to start with a story that I promised sweeeteysamaa I would finish in French, but never have been able to because alas time is a thing I wish I had more of. The story I’m talking about is called Le Chef Cuisiner de Rokudaime in French, and has been translated into English too by sweeteysamaa as The Cook of Rokudaime.  If you’re a fan of some Sukea and Iruka interaction, then you will definitely enjoy this read!

Next, let’s look at What Flowers can say. It’s a lovely piece that makes you wonder who keeps giving Iruka special flowers. It’s very nice and learning the different meanings behind the flowers is nice too!

Then there’s From Las Vegas to Peru which is a nice romcom story that features Kakashi and Iruka travelling the world. And maybe Iruka randomly taking a first class trip on a plane to Peru because why not? 

And now, I’m cheating here, but here are four drabbles that comprise the 100 words to rip your heart out series. They’re both KakaIru and KakaYama so you can take a look and enjoy. Fair warning, if you’re like me, you may want to have some fluff handy if you’re reading this! 

And then story #5, the last story I’ll feature on this spotlight, but NOT the last story by all means that @sweetysamaa​ has written! For those wondering, she’s written 38 stories! That’s a whole 33 stories that I haven’t covered for you to take a look at! Anyway, story #5 that I’m featuring is Tenzo was right. It’s a very nice introspective on Kakashi and how he is sometimes too lost in his own head to realize how much the people around him really care about him. I highly encourage anyone who is a big KakaIru fan, and anyone who enjoys Kakashi centered stories, to give this a read!

So, now that I’m done with the stories, lets move on to the art!

First, let’s start with this adorable piece done for KakaIru Month 2021′s Ramen prompt which I think was inspired by a certain story we all know! I love the depiction of Kakashi and Iruka as dogs! @sweetysamaa​ you reall captured the two of them so well here! 

Then there’s this one featuring Sakumo and Kakashithat just makes me feel all the feels! Doesn’t it make you feel sad and happy and proud and bittersweet and everything else all at once? 

Next, isthis adorable piece featuring a young Tenzo with woodland animals.Tell me you don’t want to pick him up and hug him like I do after seeing this? 

What follows if my personal favorite piece by @sweetysamaa​! This one depicts Iruka as a DJ and I am all for it! I can’t get enough of it: the colors, the clothes, Iruka’s clear love of what he is doing (and Iruka’s abs- let’s not forget those!) I am so in love with this piece because it really does make me picture Iruka at a club or an EDM festival, music thumping from the speakers, dancing along as the crowd cheers and he controls the tempos and beats! Oh, the itch to write a drabble based on this grows every time I see it! (Which fyi is like once every 2 weeks okay?) 

And the last piece of art is this adorable piece featuring Bisuke, Naruto and Iruka, and it is maybe a precursor to a story @sweetysamaa​? I’m very interested in this idea of yours. This image brings forth so many ideas and I for one am very interested to see what you and others have to say about it. I love this one because the colors and the art are so warm and your style here is so soft. Iruka’s face, Bisuke’s excitement. Baby Naruto’s peaceful sleeping face. They’re all so beautifully depicted! Thank you for sharing this piece with us! 

As explained above, this is only some of the amazing art @sweetysamaa​ has created! She’s actually got I think over 50+ pieces if you want to take a look at her archive (I highly recommend especially if you are a fan of KakaIru as her art of them is really good!) 

NOW…this concludes my portion of the spotlight, let’s see what @sweetysamaa​ has to say about her own works!

1. It’s a bit difficult to choose a favorite art of mine because it always changes as time flows by! I have some arts that I’m very proud of with the technics I used and the amount of time they had took me that aren’t specifically my favs anymore for example. This one is not my absolute fav, but I think it represents who I am in some way. I love blue, and my brain is always messy with anxious stuff so I pretty always end up in my bath to close my eyes and let the storm of thoughts happens. Just like Kakashi here: The bathroom is already a mess, what could I do anyway? 

2. I do love all my works because it’s important to love what we do. Even those I’m almost ashamed today and that I will never even under torture translate in English, I love them anyway because this is thanks to them I’m here today. I have a story I love that is not really a ship fic. I didn’t find a beta so I hope there are not too many mistakes in it! As some people know I love dogs and am a dog photographer.  I wrote this fic inspired of one of the pic of my own  Noumya, so this is special to me. It talks about a legend in the Hatake clan of a Ninken wandering in the mountains of the lands of snow for millennia, waiting the return of her late master to find peace. I let you guess who find her.   I really think this fic deserve more love, and if anyone is up to help me beta it, they’re welcome to reach out to me ( @sweetysamaa​: hit me up for help with betareading this! I’m always available to help one of my favorite Naruto artist/author friends!)
 —>My favourite kakairu fic is this one. I love Sukea and the possibility that this persona offers us for writing stories. In this one I wanted to explore the thin line between hate and love. Especially how Kakashi can be very arrogant and  snappy and Iruka just the way he is: always shouting and all. And how this dynamic could lead them to enemies instead of what they’re really are: deeply in love.

 3. The fic I am most proud of is a kakairu fic that is still only in French! But I will translate it a day, I swear. My second favourite is unfortunately not finished rofl but I will choose this one anyway. As I said I love Sukea and wanted to write something that Implied Kakashi being an asshole by using Sukea to woo Iruka. He didn’t mean to hurt Iruka of course, but that kind of things happen when you have trauma. I won’t spoil the end, so here it is: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33969268/chapters/84480511 
—>  About the art,  I am proud these last weeks is this one: When I look at it, I feel like I’m slowly but surely reaching the kind of art I’d love to be able to do!

4. I don’t think I have a specific genre I love to draw. Maybe I have? I mean, I’m a beginner artist. I’m still learning, trying new things. I won’t lie, I’m still searching my own style and my art is very… Inconstant if that makes sense? Basically I love to draw scene I have in mind when I managed to. Art is so difficult to me and learning it is an amazing adventure. 

5. I always loved to draw since I was a child. But I was mostly copying other’s art on my paper for years and that’s it.  I started to draw my own art and write in November 2020 when I got stuck in the Naruto fandom and honestly at this moment I didn’t think it would last this long?! And today I feel like I will never leave this fandom. I met so many people I love and this community is so cheerful and lovely and talented. Look, I’m in a spotlight because people are wonderful enough to think it works to spotlight creators. I got serious about art since the Iruka Week that I discovered it by pure luck. See, I didn’t even know at this point that Tumblr exist. Since that day I have never stopped. I am less productive than last year because IRL stuff though but I’m still here and will always be. 

6. An extra thank you to every creators and consumers. You brighten my day by just doing what you love and that’s what I love to. If you love kakairu, you can consider joining the kakairu discord server where I’m a mod in the best mods team ever! 

AND FINALLY: @sweetysamaa​: I just want to thank you for all that you do for us here in the Naruto community. You are mod of the KakaIru discord server, you are helping run the KakaIru Reverse Bang, and you are an amazingly talented individual who shares her work with us. 

I can’t stress enough how amazing it is that you are able to write in English when French is your langue natale. C’est incroyable et je suis trop impressionnée de toi! Tu partages les nouveaux histories tout le temps et ton “art” est superb! J’avais te connu il y a (presque) 1 annee, mais je suis trop heureuse de te connais! Tu es tellement talenteuse et je suis excite de voir ce que tu va creer dans le futur! (Et je veux dire, desolee pour le francais. Je sais que c’est pas bon et correct). 

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU YOU AMAZING PERSON YOU! I’m so glad to have met you, and I truly cannot wait to see how your art and writing gets better in the coming months and years to come! 

Thank you so much for the spotlight ✨

To those of you working your asses off getting degrees: You’re amazing and I’m proud of you.

To those of you working your asses off to make ends meet: You’re amazing and I’m proud of you.

To those of you working your asses off just to get through the day: You’re amazing and I’m proud of you.

To those of you who are human beings, just trying to do your best: You’re amazing and I’m proud of you.

To summarize: Y’all rock.

I Appreciate All of You

Just wanted to take the moment to say that.

All the likes, reposts and little replies. It means you’re here and you’re appreciating what I do. Thank you for your thoughts and the two seconds you spare to me. So little, means so much at the end of the day.


it’s that day of the week <3 click for better quality!


pose reference below the cut!

Keep reading

Tears actually formed in my eyes (of happiness) when I saw that I reached 1k! I’m so excited and happy and you guys are all amazing and I seriously cannot wait to get back into the groove of writing. Thank you guys. Thank you all SO much!!!!


(Freestyling for this week’s #smuturday. I’ve been in a Gladnis mood all week! And this is, again, for dear @wildixia and her magnificent IgnisandGladio. I wrote this because 1 – I hadn’t written anything NSFW for these particular guys and 2 – I hadn’t written an Ignis POV of these two. So this is me being very self-indulgent!)

(Tag for this ’verse is colors of us AU, if you want to find the rest of the ficlets.)

Quick Fic Pick 54: passionate hues

When he moves, when he can bring himself to move again, it’s for no more than a breath – a needed breath, too bright and too fierce and nothing at all that could calm the mad tripped-wire beat of his heart. 

His heart, wound around and sweetly pierced in thorns, in vines, like the ones he wears so proudly on his skin: their sharp edges piercing him through to his very soul.

And with a pain that almost tears him in two, he wrenches himself away from that sight, that unexpected gift: that man in the cast-off pieces of a suit, laid out flat on a bed that creaks, a bed that’s too narrow even for himself when he’s sleeping curled up and worn out.

Into the shower, and the cool water doesn’t scour away the sight of Gladiolus, just him, simply him, despite the skewed tie and the crumpled trousers. The boots thrown into the corner, the suit jacket left slumped and disconsolate over a rickety chair, the scatter of sleek black devices on the cracked table next to the bed.

The monument of him, lovingly chiseled musculature and the breadth of his form; the way he sleeps, heavy, needful, that too is branded into Ignis’s mind: on his stomach, heedless of the world that churns on outside the windows, inside the temporarily dark screens of his phones and his tablet. The way he seems to have turned away from those constant tugging reminders, and the way he occupies the scant real estate of the bed, as though Ignis’s cramped top-floor flat is his refuge from everything and everyone else, from his breakneck cutthroat world, that seems to always be demanding his full attention.

Hurrying through the end of one day, even as the clock in the corridor chimes reluctantly to signal midnight, and Ignis curses the dripping water that chills the back of his neck, and he throws off his towel as soon as he can decently lock the door behind him and now he only has to cross to the bed, and he almost hesitates to touch Gladiolus, to interrupt his sleep.

But his hand, still shadowed in the inkstains of his day, the inkstains of his chosen art, drifts as if magnetically drawn to that elegant shoulder, those curling lengths of dark hair – and he knows how to touch, he knows he’s keeping his fingertips from making full contact with the man sleeping in his bed – he doesn’t want to wake him – 


A breath, a gentle soft sound, and Ignis can’t hide the hitch in his breath – so he takes off his eyeglasses and leans in to kiss the nearest bit of Gladiolus he can reach, which is the back of his hand. Old scars crisscrossing the knuckles. “So you weren’t sleeping, after all. You could have fooled me.”

“Iwas sleeping, I just heard you.”

He laughs, softly, watching as Gladiolus skins out of the rest of his clothes. “You’re joking, right? I was being quiet.”

“You’re stealthy, yeah, but – I guess I just woke up. And then I heard you.” Smile, that curves that lovely mouth and its frame of immaculately trimmed mustache and beard. 

“My apologies for interrupting your rest, then. Heaven knows you need it. Your days are long and unkind.” He gives in to temptation, then, and he gets into the bed and hauls Gladiolus close. He carefully spans the breadth of those shoulders, carefully runs his fingers over his own handiwork: the great hunting cat in its spots and in its long lash of a tail. 

The tattoo is almost done, he thinks: if Gladiolus can set aside one day for the work itself and another to rest in, it’ll be enough to finish off the bared fangs and the watchful eyes and the massive paws.

“If it’s you waking me up, I don’t mind.”

And Gladiolus is turning around in his arms: and the smile, sweet and fierce, is all the warning he gets, before the kiss, before the overwhelming smash and the welcome overpowering presence of him, and Ignis keens and presses closer, closer somehow, as if to find all the nearly nonexistent gaps between them and then to bridge them. To fill himself up with Gladiolus, to willingly disappear into him, just for this moment, this stolen midnight – 

He feels himself being pressed back into his smashed-flat pillows, and he blinks and then cries out, shocked again, as Gladiolus kisses a blazing trail down his throat, down to his shoulder – sharp bright pain of teeth closing in his flesh and Ignis all but falls to pieces just on that one sensation alone – and he growls, “Don’t you stop.”

“Wasn’t planning to,” he thinks he hears, between fresh bites: and he cries out every time, shameless encouraging, till he knows, till he feels, that he wears a garden of roses on his skin but Gladiolus seems intent on turning him into a garden of wanton bruises, the sucking heavy pressure of mouth and tongue, every mark, every trace of pleasure, laid out plainly to his – their – eyes.

Gladiolus, whispering: “Good, good, don’t hold back, I want to hear you, I need to hear you, tell me what you want – ”

“Have me, do whatever you want with me,” is all he can say, all he can ask for – he’s nothing but the burn, lit up by Gladiolus and his marauding mouth, his wandering hands: his lover playing him so well and so thoroughly. The shiver in his skin is the only possible response to someone who knows him so profoundly, like they’ve been loving each other all these years, like they’ve been wanting each other all their lives – 

Lives of this, lifetimes upon lifetimes, he thinks, and he cries out, “Gladiolus!”

“Wait for it,” is the response, sharp bright rash promise. “Want to make it good for you.”

And Ignis’s eyes fly open, and he looks down: catches him in that last waiting precipice of an instant, the careful knowing smile that is the prelude to Gladiolus going down on him, all the lines in his face drawn together in deep ecstasy, deep concentration, and then he feels the flick of that wicked talented tongue against him and he all but collapses, all but flies apart, and there’s nothing to do but hold on: one hand in dark hair, and the other to the inked lines wandering across one broad shoulder. Hold on, and try to hold out, try to make this last – 

And it gets to the point where he tugs on Gladiolus’s hair, too harsh, too rough, surprised grunt against his skin and he opens his mouth to apologize, to try and make things better – 

Gladiolus’s voice, nothing more than a needy rasp, stops him: “Fuck, that was good.”

“Oh,” is all Ignis can say, then.

“Do it again if you like.”

So he laughs, breathless still, unsteady still, and he says, “I would rather do something else.“ 

"Not done yet,” he hears Gladiolus say. “Not planning to be done. Not for a while.”

He groans, then, he actually groans, torn between anticipation and pure need. “If your plan is – for me not to survive this night,” he begins.

The kiss is a beautiful interruption, knowing exactly where that mouth has just been – the thrill shakes through him, beautiful violent filthy –

“That’s the start of it,” he hears Gladiolus say.

He laughs and laughs and gives in. Gives himself over.

“The shiver in his skin is the only possible response to someone who knows him so profoundly, like they’ve been loving each other all these years, like they’ve been wanting each other all their lives –”

*sobs eternally*


Tommy “teasing” T!Wilbur

@corysmiles (yeah I was the one who sent that draw request ask if you didn’t guess already lol)

I had motivation to draw but no ideas so I wanted to take a request. This was a very fun piece to work on in my free time, hope you like it!





Summary: Dazai’s response to you calling him beautiful


Pairing:Dazai x reader

Genre: Drabble, Angst

Warnings:Some internal Dazai monologue, references to suicide

A/N: Working on some other Dazai writings but it’s been a bit frustrating, so I’ve had this in my drafts for quite some time, so I just decided to finish it. This conversation I had with Lav (@kaus-quietis) reminded me of this wip I had haha. And if you wish for it to be even more angsty, imagine this as the alternate scenario as in For a Smile.

My Masterlist


This singular word echoed through his head from the moment you uttered it from your lips. For a moment, Dazai felt as though all thoughts in his restless mind had been halted for a singular moment as he became overwhelmed with the unfamiliar feelings of disbelief and shock.

Keep reading

To all of the Finn/Finnrey fans that are getting attacked, or have in the past, you are amazing and should not be treated as anything else but that. I and many other people on this site are here for you. 


Happy anniversary to the blueprint :’)

I think my volume of work based on these two does a better job expressing how I feel about them than any caption ever could

my favourite 7 pieces for their 7th anniversary

My crush is the shiiiiit

My crush is the shiiiiit

Post link

Happy Birthday

2hours and 11 minutes ago it was your birthday. The entire day I thought about wishing you a happy birthday. I asked literally every single one of the people I call friends because I was so anxious. I just didn’t want to burden you in anyway on your special day. You turned 19 and I’m so happy for you. I want nothing but happiness and positive energy and thoughts for you.

Happy birthday Alexandria Marie Malley.❤️


1000 tiktok followers




Kanthony & Polin // Much Ado About Nothing AU

gooseweasel: With permission from lettherebedoodles I decided to take their amazing Racebent Disnegooseweasel: With permission from lettherebedoodles I decided to take their amazing Racebent Disnegooseweasel: With permission from lettherebedoodles I decided to take their amazing Racebent Disnegooseweasel: With permission from lettherebedoodles I decided to take their amazing Racebent Disne


With permission from lettherebedoodles I decided to take their amazing Racebent Disney Princess Seriesand, rather than just seeing them as different versions of the original characters, give them stories and fairy tales of their own. I plan on doing her entire series- hopefully I won’t disappoint!

Some of the stories will be based on the culture the new heroine is based on, and others will be stories from other cultures (such as ‘traditional’ western fairy tales), even real life people will inspire these Disney-style Princesses and Heroines. But please remember- this is all for fun. I’m not pretending to be an expert on any of this. I’ll try my best to do right by these characters and cultures, and if there is something horribly offensive, please let me know how I can fix it.

Sorry I’m a crappy lazy graphic designer, btw.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Amondi – Amondi

Inspired by the Luo legend, “Nyamgodho, Son of Ombare”, this is the story of Amondi, the daughter of a king and the most talented musician in all of Africa. Any song she sings can tame birds and beasts, and any object she picks up she can use as an instrument. She even tamed a lion, which grew to be her dear pet. Her voice even seemed able to do magic, and she was beloved by all for it.

One day, a poor, starving man appears to beg Amondi for her help. Introducing himself as Nyamgodho, he tells her that a demon has stolen his wife and dragged her into the Lake- along with all of the family’s wealth and possession. Now he and his children are alone and starving. He begged her to come and sing at the lake, to try and free his wife from the demon’s grasp. Touched by the poor man’s story, Amondi agrees, and begins the long journey back to his home on the Lake. However, she soon starts to realize that things are not quite what they seem, and that the man’s intentions may not be as pure as she originally thought.

Hatshepsut - The Pharaoh Queen

History knows her as Hatshepsut- one of the most powerful and successful pharaohs of all time. And a woman. Beautiful, fierce and cunning, she was a warrior and a leader. But this wasn’t always the case. As a child, she seemed hardly notable, shy and quiet.

But the gods knew she was destined for greater things than simply being the quiet, submissive wife of a pharaoh. This is the story of how Hatshepsut met the goddess Sekhmet. This is the story of how she became her pupil and friend. This is the story of how Hatshepsut became a pharaoh.

Kawariki - Tutira the Shark Man

Based on the Maori story “Kawariki and the Shark Man” Kawariki is the daughter of the leader of the tribe, a powerful tohunga who could use magic called Matakite. Her childhood friend, Tutira, was the child of prisoners-of-war, now force to work as servants. The two were inseparable growing up, and eventually fall in love. But Kawariki was expected to rule and Tutira to serve. Kawariki’s father Matakite tries to command her to stay away from Tutira, and orders her to marry a man from another tribe. When she fights against his orders, Matakite turns Tutira into a monster, a creature that can only live in the sea and away from her- a shark.

But Tutira can still turn back into a human once a month, during the new moon. The two try to find a way to turn Tutira back into a person permanently, before Kawariki is forced to marry someone she doesn’t love. 

Bari-The Abandoned Princess

Based on the Korean myth of Bari the first shaman, this is the story of a princess who grows to be so much more. Bari was the 7th daughter of a cruel King named Ogu, who was hoping for a son. He abandoned Bari to be raised by farmers, angry at her for being female. Bari grows up knowing that she was abandoned, and is mistreated by those around her. Many people think she is cursed.

However, one day King Ogu and the queen grow severely ill, close to dying. The only cure is revealed to be water from the spring of life, which can only be reached by going through the Underworld. No one will go to get the healing water, and so Bari goes, hoping to earn back her parents love by healing them.

As she journeys, Bari meets all sorts of other people who have been abandoned- by their families, children, and society, even the gods. Bari helps them all, and soon begins to realize that maybe what she really need isn’t the approval of the people who abandoned her…

Important (FINAL!) Note: I’m done with this series! It took a lot longer than I originally thought it would, due in great part to how difficult it was to find mythology and legends from African cultures. But I really enjoyed putting this all together, and it was definitely worth it to wait until I was able to find an actual East African story. Granted, I decided to approach the story from a different angle (it’s one of my favorite things to do) but I hope people like that choice. Fairy tales are a big passion of mine, and I really enjoyed exploring the many different ways they can be told. I hope you enjoyed reading all of these, but most of all I hope I did right by the cultures and stories I explored in this series. 

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