#to mock one is to mock them all



The Archeron sisters are the perfect example of how everyone deals with trauma and depression differently.

Nesta shows us that we can get ugly and nasty when dealing with trauma and depression when we don’t actually mean it but we can’t help it. It’s a trauma response to assert dominance. And through asserting dominance, we protect ourselves even though it may be wrong sometimes. We hope that in asserting dominance and being nasty, it will intimidate others into thinking twice before violating us!!! We see through Nesta’s actions how it’s a direct result of trauma.

With Elain we see how people can become withdrawn, disassociated and avoidant when dealing with trauma and depression. We tend to turn to the things that once gave us joy in the hopes that it will heal us, like Elain does with gardening. We also avoid confrontation as much as possible because we’re tired and withdrawn from reality. We avoid the harshness of reality as much as we can because if we don’t, we’re constantly reminded of how horrible this world is and what was done to us. We also tend to lean on the people that bring us most comfort and security in our lives so we don’t have to worry about being a target anymore.

With Feyre we see how people can completely give up and not care about our lives or what happens to it anymore. We don’t care how much weight we lost/gained. We don’t care whether we’ve eaten or not and we don’t care if someone completely dictates our lives and future because we’re so numb and withdrawn that we just don’t gaf anymore. We are willing to let others live our lives for us and don’t care whether we live or die until someone tells us that it’s not right. And even then it takes months for us to start caring again. Even then it takes months to stop feeling numb and wanting to live again.

So that’s why I’m 100% pro Archeron’s and the rest of you guys can eat rocks for all I care
