#today is not that day


the alias urge to drop a selfie and deactivate-

I’m obsessed with the idea of Ciaran only facing her love for Artorias after he’s dead, so here I am

I’m obsessed with the idea of Ciaran only facing her love for Artorias after he’s dead, so here I am again, drawing her with his corpse

Post link

what if we were both wizards and I tried to crack a dumb joke to lighten the atmosphere after an emotional talk about hope and atonement in a room full of stars and possibility?




Just enjoying some coffee right before bedtime 8D love my mug by the amazing @lenle-g

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! I’m so glad!!!!!!!!!!! HHEHEHE

Tippy you gotta try having coffee or hot chocolate with whipped cream in that mug. I got mine a while ago and it’s the perfect shape and size for adding the mountains of whipcream I want on my coffee.

It’s great!! If anyone doesn’t have one and you like making fancy lattés, you’re missing out, you need to buy one of @lenle-g’s mugs!!

I love you guys and I am going to cry :’))))
