#todoroki fanfic


Melt My Heart - Shoto Todoroki x Reader


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

Welcome to the first of seven works of the Candy Heart Club! First up is Shoto Todoroki with the candy heart saying “Melt My Heart”. Let me know if you’d like to be added to the event taglist, and as always, the event masterlist is linked right above! Stay sweet and happy February!

Prompt: Everything he does is just so sweet. Whether it’s holding your hand on the way back to Heights Alliance or leaving you flowers. You notice a little something that missing - that passion to melt your heart. 

A/N: So excited to kick off Candy Heart Club! I had to start off with Shoto cause he’s my #1, but I did something a little different with his character. Of course, since it’s a Valentine’s Day event, he’s gotta be sweet and caring and lovely and fluffy BUT I wanted to make it a bit more dramatic and passionate B/C VALENTINE’S DAY!!

Word Count: 1.6K


Shoto Todoroki was dreamlike. Seemingly plucked from a Jane Austen novel, he was a modern-day Elizabethan era gentleman. He asks you to go on dates with him, not to hang out in his dorm room. He leaves you bundles of dried lavender by your door with a simple little love note tied to it. He tells you that you’re beautiful when you join him for breakfast in the common room, even though your hair is sticking in wonky directions and you’re pretty sure that there was drool crusted onto your cheek. Reassuring, polite, lovely. Everything a girl could want…well, sort of. There was always something missing from those dates and notes and compliments. They lacked fire.

When he walked you back to your dorm after a late night date, he’d simply smile and say ‘sweet dreams’ - no goodnight kiss. The notes held sweetness but were a bit short of passion. His compliments tended to stay strictly on a kids’ movie level. You loved it all, you loved him. But you were craving that romantic movie moment. Sometimes you just want him to drop his sweet demeanor and have him drag you to the edge of a cliff so you could yell ‘I’m flying!’ while wrapped in his arms. But, fire has ruled too much of his life - his father made sure of that - so you were fine with sweet and kind and caring, even if you had to resort to daydreaming about him ensnaring you in a fiery kiss every now and then.

Your dinner date had been exquisite. The food was incredible and the terrace you dined on was something out of a painting. Of course, you’d expect nothing less from Shoto. The sun had already started to set by the time the two of you had gotten up from your table, but the massive gray rain clouds that were overtaking the sky cast a darker lens over the world. Your hand was in his, swinging a little between the two of you as you took your time walking back to UA grounds. It’s quiet, but it’s comfortable. The part of town you were in was definitely still very city-like but quaint. Kind of like every scene in a movie set in an idealized Paris - without the litter and crowds. The one with different pastel-colored townhouses and curling iron railings. You almost expect someone to open up the shutters of their window to start singing a verse. Whilst you’re pleasantly distracted, Shoto has his eyes trained on the ground, focusing on every step forward. You only notice when you’re dawdling a little, marveling at a flower box with perfect looking flowers - seriously, they could probably win awards if there was a competition for it - and Shoto tugs your hand a bit more forward. You blink a bit in confusion and give him a tentative smile.

“Hey, is everything okay?” You ask, earning a quick nod from him.

“Yes, there’s just this gelato shop that closes before 8:00 that I planned for us to go to.” You frown, perplexed.

“But you don’t like gelato.” You point out, gaining a moment of pause. You register the varied pitter-patter of raindrops beginning to hit the ground and Shoto tenses.

“In that book you like, don’t the characters share a bowl of gelato?” He poses, getting a small laugh from you.

“Yeah, but what does that have to do with us and our date?” Shoto’s cheeks flush just a bit, clearly embarrassed.

“It’s romantic.” He mumbles, suddenly finding his shoes very interesting. You nod as a raindrop plops onto your shoulder.

“Yes, romantic for them,” You say, shifting your weight from one foot to the other, “because they both really like gelato. I know you don’t like it and I find it mediocre at best - kind of overrated, even, in my opinion.” Trying to add a bit of humor to your statement didn’t really have an affect on Shoto, causing your confusion to grow into concern. “Shoto, can you tell me what’s going on?” For the first time, Shoto looks frazzled. He seems uncertain about the entire situation. His gaze flits around wildly from you to the townhouses to the rain-filled sky, to the ever-growing intensity of the rain on the pavement.

“Let’s go, we don’t want to get poured on,” Shoto begins to say, but you keep your feet planted.

“I don’t mind the rain, but Sho. What’s going on?” You ask, worry coating your voice. Just as the Shoto had observed, the rain started falling at a much faster rate, coating your clothes and making your hair stick to your neck whilst his was becoming slicked to his forehead, little drops falling from the ends of it. Even though he was clearly upset at something, you couldn’t help but admit that he looked seriously attractive. Not handsome. He looked hot

The rain is heavy now, just shy of pouring, while you’re looking at him. The sundress that you were wearing was weighing more heavily on your shoulders and drops were gathering on your lashes. And it’s romantic. It’s so, so romantic, and you can’t help it. Your lips quirk up in a smile, that spreads to a grin, that erupts into a giggle. Shoto snaps his head up to meet yours.

“Y/N?” He says, a little confused. You look up to the sky and let your hair hang back, letting the rain fall freely onto your face. It’s absolutely pouring now and you should be shivering, but Shoto’s holding your hand. And you feel warm.

“I’m sorry, it’s just… I’m so freakin’ in love with you.” You blurt, laughing through the rain and tilting your head to meet Shoto’s gaze. He’s shocked and he’s beet red. 

“Wha, what? But, how, what?” He asks, looking around, trying to gain some clarity into the situation. “But I had this whole plan on how to say it to you.” He explains, earning more giggles from you.

“By sharing gelato? And trying not to grimace through eating it while you tell me you love me?” You get out, doubling over in laughter. Shoto’s lips pressed together and a playful smile sprouted from them.

“Hey, no laughing!” He says, a chuckle starting to come from him.

“That’s what you were freaking out over!” You explain, pointing at him like you’re an attorney finding the defendant guilty. He puts his hands up in confession and lets himself laugh freely. “I’ve got you down to a “t” Shoto Todoroki, I know your moves before you make ‘em!” Shoto’s smile turns quickly into a smirk, an expression you’ve never seen on him.

“Oh yeah? So how will I kiss you then?” He prompts, adding a shake to your laugh.

“Uh, what?” You say. He takes a step closer and you can now see the clearly defined muscles beneath his wet white buttoned down shirt.

“You say you’ve got me down to a “t”. Tell me how you imagined our first kiss going.” You look around, heat growing on your cheeks.

“Oh, I dunno…” you say, looking around.

“I know you’ve imagined it before. Tell me how it goes.” He says, losing the bit of cockiness he gained and replacing it with complete sappy kindness. You purse your lips, but to your dismay, it bleeds into a silly little smile.

“You’d walk me back to my dorm and kiss me goodnight. It’s sweet, quick - a little nervous. But it’s darling and gentlemanly. Just like you.” You admit. Shoto’s so close to you now.

“I’m so sorry Y/N. I love watching you succeed and be content.” His hand moved to tangle itself in your hair. “But you’re going to have to be wrong just this once.” And then his lips are on yours. It’s fiery and it’s feverish and it sets off fireworks. Your hands go immediately to his shirt, grabbing onto the wet material and holding onto it. His other hand sweeps around your waist, holding you flush against him as his mouth moves against yours. You’re kissing Shoto Todoroki in the pouring rain - and you’re melting. You’re sugar melting from water but here’s Shoto, keeping you together, holding you in his arms. You are breathless and it’s utterly exhilarating. And then it becomes increasingly aware that if you didn’t breathe in oxygen soon, you might pass out. You were fine with that result, but Shoto - ever the observer - pulled the two of you apart slowly and rested his forehead against yours. 

“My heart’s beating so fast.” You breathe, because really, it’s the only thing you could manage to say.

“Me too.” He says, his embrace of you growing more tender than fervent, like the two of you had all the time in the world.

“We’re gonna catch a cold if we stay out here much longer.”

“Yeah.” He says, now pressing soft, light kisses to your cheeks, your forehead, your nose. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” The two of you are silent for a moment.

“This is so much better than gelato.” He admits, resulting in you throwing your head back in laughter and a wide grin spreading across his face.

“You melt my heart.” You confess.

“That’s cheesy - like your previous idea of our first kiss.” You giggle and take his hand in yours again, tugging him along the street more quickly towards UA.

“Hey, I still like that idea a lot. But you’re right, I was wrong about the outcome.”

“It can be our second kiss then.” He says, squeezing your hand. And there he was again. Reassuring, polite, lovely. “So you can be partially right.” And fiery.


Event Taglist:

Message or comment to be added to the Candy Hearts Club taglist!




Regular Taglist:

@luluwiie​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@lovers-liability​ ~ Snowbell Florist

@smallxbunny​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@the-emo-asgardian​ ~ Snowbell Florist

@lovers-liability​ ~ Snowbell Florist
